Audio Combo box does not expand

When I try to select a audio device then the entries are truncated which makes it difficult to chose the right one.
Version 1.50

See attachment


Hi Knud,

What operating system?

de W6EL

Oh…sorry…of course

Fedora 34 or 36 both shows this behavior


Hi Knud,

What version of qt shows in the log? Did you compile wfview yourself or use our binary download?

I don’t see this happening on Linux Mint 20.3 with qt 5.12.8. Do you see this if you toggle the “Use System Theme” checkbox under Settings on the User Interface page?

Thanks, I’d like to squash this bug,

de W6EL

F34 (KDE X11 desktop), my own build against Qt 5.15.2 (from about box)
Current Qt version 5.15.2 from Log
Checkmark “Use system Theme”, yes same behavior

F36 (KDE X11 desktop), build 7010148 by roland, against Qt 5.12.7 (from about box)
Current Qt version 5.15.5 from Log
Checkmark “Use system Theme”, yes same behavior


This is good information, thank you.

I feel like we ran into this with mac or windows recently and somehow fixed it up. I’ll ask @phil and @roeland next time I get a chance.


Just as additional info:

Made a quick test in OpenSuse TW 5.19.10-1
KDE -X11
WFVIEW build 7010148, against Qt 5.12.7
Current Qt 5.15.7
Checkmark systemtheme/or not

Same behavior


Hi Knud.

Yes this was an issue that we have only seen on Windows, Linux and MacOS seemed to expand automatically.

If you are on the master branch of wfview, you can edit wfmain.cpp and look for the line 6524:

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
     ui->audioInputCombo->setStyleSheet("QComboBox QAbstractItemView {min-width: 300px;}");
     ui->audioOutputCombo->setStyleSheet("QComboBox QAbstractItemView {min-width: 300px;}");
     ui->serverTXAudioOutputCombo->setStyleSheet("QComboBox QAbstractItemView {min-width: 300px;}");
     ui->serverRXAudioInputCombo->setStyleSheet("QComboBox QAbstractItemView {min-width: 300px;}");

Simply put a comment // in front of the #ifdef and #endif lines and recompile, the audio comboboxes should then expand.

73 Phil M0VSE

When I get time next week I might test that
