Contour ShuttleXpress controller + ICOM 756P III @WFV 2.03 Under Ubuntu 22 - Need help

Hello folks,
after updating from 1.65 to 2.03 my ShuttleXpress controller shows erratic behaviour and missed the main jog dial function (fine tune). Now I can’t scroll frequencies in 1khz steps which makes operating fiddly and not natural.

Do any of you guys have caught up with same error? If somebody could point me out to the right direction, I can do the fix by myself.



What OS? gotta give us the details man.

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Apologies Here is the info:
Linux Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Kernel 6.8.0-52-generic #53~22.04.1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC

I think if you rebuild from the “kenwood” branch you will find this issue resolved. Simply run the build script again with “kenwood” as the first argument to the script.

de W6EL

Thanks Elliot, and all
I did compile the ‘kenwood version’ but now WFV crashes at start. No way to capture log.
I’ll keep looking out for a solution.


You can tell wfview to start up with “zapped” settings. You can also enable debug mode and log to a filename that you specify on startup.

Scroll down to “Full List of Supported Command-Line Arguments”

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Also make sure you run make install when you build the Kenwood branch, as there have been a number of changes to the format of the rig files.

I will get round to testing the Shuttle devices soon though, as it is possible I have broken something.

You can also find the last log in the /tmp directory and post it here.

hello @eliggett and @phil

I’ve done per your directions, (2.03 version, kenwood branch compiled) with no success:

“wfview -d --debug -l --logfile
Current translation language: “”
Recognized requested language and loaded the translations (or at least found the /translations resource folder). Installing translator.
Changed to translation language: “en_GB”
Segmentation fault (core dumped)”

keeps crashing, no log file.

I did compile back to non kenwood branch and here is the log when using the controller:

I did appreciate any help or How can I help myself and others with this issue.


You should not supply both short and long options at the same time!

-l with --logfile. ← NO

Just do it like this:
wfview --debug --logfile /tmp/mypreferredlogfilename.txt
wfview -d -l /tmp/mypreferredlogfilename.txt

You don’t even have to do the log file part if you don’t mind checking carefully in /tmp to see which of the log files was most recently modified. But sometimes I do like to specify a single filename.

de W6EL

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Thanks for your patience.
After running kenwood version with the short arguments, here is attached the log

wfview-20250207184832.log (11.9 KB)

from terminal shoot, I can deduce this time is something related to QT environment. hope it helps
Best regards

You need to provide a log file name with the -l argument:

Usage: -l --logfile filename.log, -s --settings filename.ini, -c --clearconfig CONFIRM, -b --background (not Windows), -d --debug, -v --version


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I did fetch the log from /tmp. Is that log the same? isn’t it

You have to TYPE IN A LOG NAME when you use -l or --logfile. The entire point here is so that you know the filename of the logfile, because, it is the filename that YOU SUPPLIED.

Your screenshot shows:
wfview -d -l

But you need:

wfview -d -l /tmp/mylogfile.txt

Or whatever your preferred filename is.

de W6EL

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here we go.
WFVicomp3logfile_20250207.txt (26.9 KB)


Hi Carlos,

I am seeing that my IC-718 crashes in the same place, log-file-wise. Maybe it is the same issue, we will work it a bit and see.

de W6EL

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Hi Elliot, Not sure if it helps but I do have 718 too, 7100 and 756pIII, so, I can do tests with these models.


Hi Carlos,

Nice set of radios :slight_smile:

Once we get the issue with the 718 sorted out, then sure, give a few others a try.

de W6EL

Hi Carlos.

I think that I have found the issue with the Kenwood branch. It is actually the CW sender window which some code was referencing even if the radio doesn’t have the Send CW command (and causing it to crash).

If you can try building the Kenwood branch again that will hopefully work (probably easiest to run “./ Kenwood” again to download the latest version.)


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Very kind Phil,

Now it does not crash. restored to working condition. Now the main jog works (different to previous version, after setting up a function) in 1khz or 10khz steps but when dialling fast, the digits on the hundredths portion (100khz) starst ‘drifting’ in random steps and the fine tune becomes unusable and loss its 1khz setup jumping into odd 27 or 32khz.

I will keep testing and logging this behaviour

That’s strange. I will take a look (I only really verified basic operation of the jog/shuttle when I tested it)

Also we have now merged the Kenwood branch to master, so the Kenwood branch is unlikely to receive updates in the future.