The results from this weekend’s checking, with some notes i made when i passed by… The Log from entire client session
This session was on LAN at the site, so no Internet in the mix. JTDX doing some FT8, or monitoring FT8, VAC, Windows 10 64bit.
Client settings: Qt, LPCM 1ch
19:40 Initially, no problems, < 1 second lag for PTT. All Fine.
20:20 - tested, now has 2 sec lag
20:41 - same, 1 keyup totally ignored
21:11 - saw a log entry about missing packets, tested again, now is a 3sec lag - Smoking Gun??
21:16 - still 3 sec ptt lag
22:13 - 4 sec lag
00:00 - 7 sec lag
…changed to RT, Opus 1ch, audio breaks up on tx. Not workable.
00:03 - changed back to Qt in client, but Opus 1ch, good audio, <1sec PTT lag
00:18 - 1 sec lag?
Noticed jailbars on waterfall in jtdx, get pronounced if i disconnect from radio - VAC freaking out?
00:25 - restarted VAC, toggled radio connection a few times, waterfall clean again, lag <1 sec again, all is good. [op sleep]
09:49 - initially some erratic behavior, first ptt took 13 secs, then 4, then 2 with jumping levels and sticking meter. VAC shows unerflows of 100k+, overflows of 700k+ - settles on either no response whatsoever, or 2 sec lag. meters show random levels. But, after toggle of connection, lag restored to < 1 sec, correct levels etc. etc.
11:07 - 2 sec lag again, or no response at all.
11:08 - reconnect, lag gone, everything fine, log terminated, client shutdown.
So, some moving of the goalposts makes no difference. It’s initially great, then after 20-40 minutes a 2 second PTT lag for a long period, getting as bad as 7-14 seconds over 8 hours.
I got the impression (~21:11) Lag was being increased by packet loss.
Also seems VAC does not appreciate changing audio settings in WFview, as it can go nuts (~00:25) - this is a sneaky one, as you will still see signals on your waterfall, but with Jailbars, and far fewer decodes in JTDX. You might think it’s local noise or something. But, If You then disconnect WFview, those Jailbars become very clear on a dark background in JTDX. Restarting the Audio Service in VAC restores good audio.
It struck me (just now) that all 3 things, WFview, VAC and JTDX may/should have been restarted after every change to the audio system. But, last night i really only fiddled once, and had to restart the lot anyway then.