Latency Problem with 1.53 version

following problem:
Rig: IC-7300
Server: Pi4 4GB
OS: Rasbian OS bullseye or Ubuntu 22.10 (doesnt matter, problem is same)
Audio: QTaudio
Wfview: 1.53

Client: W11
running both versions with same settings
Wfview: 1.5 Latency ~280ms
Wfview: 1.53 Latency 900 - 1500ms, and climbing up to 25000ms
Audio: Port Audio, LPCM 1ch 16bit others don’t work att all

No packet losses, rtt lower 1ms with 1.5 and 1-2ms with 1.53

As I remember with 1.5 and before on server latency was under 100ms.
Nothing changed in setup of network. Both machines on same switch.
First I thought it is a problem of bullseye, therefor I changed to ubuntu, but this didn’t solve the problem.

Any Ideas or hints?

73, Michael

Additional info:
server 1.2e to client 1.2e ~280ms
server 1.2e to client 1.52 ~280ms

seems something changed significant at 1.53 version.

When you say that the others don’t work at all, did you try reselecting the audio devices after changing audio systems? The only significant change since 1.50 is in the audio device selection, previous versions would often fail to open the correct device and would simply fall-back to the default device, which may (or may not) be relevant.

Portaudio seems to work best with Linux, so I would definitely try that. You may need to change the audio devices to something else, then select the ‘wanted’ device in order to trigger the selection process.

73 Phil M0VSE

Hi Phil, thank you for your reply.

I want to concentrate first on the latency, because I checked all settings already and sometimes I get latencies over 50 Seconds right from start depending on Audio settings. So there is something crazy going on.
I have one setting now that works, but gives me minimum 280ms latency. That’s to much for client and server on the same switch via cable connected. It should be 1/4 of that value.

I will try again to go back to Raspbian Buster to check if it is OS depending at server side.
(I could not compile the latest build at buster, maybe because of a qmake problem as I learned at another topic in the meantime.) Just be shure problem is NOT OS depending.

W11 is and was used always on client side. I hope I have at one notebook still W10 running and Linux on another one to check client side.

Too many variables in the equation :slight_smile:

Hallo Michael, ich hatte auch erst das Latenzproblem und habe es folgendermaßen halbwegs gelöst.
auf dem Server beim rasbperry 4 - 4gb hab ich die USB-Audio-treiber ausgewählt.
48 Khz Sampelrate und Port-Audio Ausgewählt.
Auf der client-seite “nur” 16Khz" Samplerate LPCM 16 Bit Audio bei beiden RX sowie TX ausgewählt und ebenfalls “Port-Audio” eingestellt
RX und TX Speicher-Puffer auf 150 geschoben. Es gibt immer noch kleine Aussetzer aber sehr wenige.
Alles über Wifi und kein LAN !!!
vy 73 Jan-Peter DL3KVT


Hello Michael, I also had the latency problem at first and solved it halfway as follows.
on the server at rasbperry 4 - 4gb i selected the USB audio driver.
48Khz sample rate and port audio selected.
On the client side “only” 16Khz" sample rate LPCM 16 bit audio selected for both RX and TX and also set to “Port Audio”.
RX and TX memory buffers increased to 150. There are still small dropouts but very few.
Everything via Wifi and no LAN !!!

Hello Jan-Peter and all other readers.

Problem is the Windows11 system where the client is running.
Minimum 280ms latency.

I tested with an older notebook also running W11, exact the same problem.
Now I changed that machine to Ubuntu 22.10 and I’m very happy again.

Server: Pi4 with Buster
Wfview version 1.2e and 1.53 tested

Client: cheap hp notebook with Ubuntu 22.10
Wfview version 1.2e and 1.53 tested

Result: Latency between 35ms and 92ms

1.2e showes no packet losses by more than 50000 packets.
1.53 showes lower 1% losses / 50000 packets
Even the bluetooth headset is working more stable there.

I will switch my developer notebook to Ubuntu too and Win11 will run only virtualized in future for some special programs. The last 2 years before pension I can live this way.

73 Michael

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Hallo Michael,
Ich schreib deutsch… :slight_smile:
bin seid Jahren mit Windows immer gut klar gekommen und gut Win 11 klemme ich mir :wink:
Auf dem Lenovo 340 was ich benutze komme ich mit dem „QT-Audio“ nun auf Latenzen um die 65 ms!!! Super Werte beim Client-Pc!
Der Server ist ein Raspberry pi 4 mit 4 GB ubuntu.
Leider wird ab Version 1.53 die Audioeinstellung nicht gemerkt…So das ich da immer einmal rein muss, auswählen und zurück… aber das ist nicht so schlimm!
Vy 73 de Jan-Peter

Good luck with your project Jan.