Probleme with remote by Ic 7300 and IC 705

Hello dear Elliott,
now how to get two different configurations, with me the IC-7300 and the IC-705 under Win to run I can now briefly describe here.
First I opened the text editor of Windows, then I copied there the path assignment to the last master wfview file! Here my example with the argument:
“D:\Afu\wfview\wfview-master-20221029–03-00-01.exe --settings ic-7300.conf”
Then I saved this without “txt”-file-ending!!!
Made, in which I added the ending “cmd” a Windows script from it. Now the shell starts automatically and then the Wfview … depending on the IC-7300 or the IC-705!
Please forward this to the general group. Many greetings Jan-Peter

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Very nice! I am glad you got scripts working for the two different settings files.

de W6EL