2.03 on Pi, RC-28 causes crash

I can connect my RC-28 controller, and the PTT button works. But when the RC-28 is connected, it makes the application very unstable. It crashes down without warning after a while, usally within an hour or so.

I can not send a log file, as the application crashes and disappears from the screen.

We are getting a lot of reports about the RC-28, and we will be looking into it.

If you like, can you build from our current development branch? Please run the fullbuild script again, but supply “kenwood” as the first argument to the script. This will build newer code which may solve the issue.

wfview always createst a log, even when the GUI is not responding, it is located in /tmp.

de W6EL

Yes, I tried that and the VFO-wheel works, but the application is even more unstable with this version, so I reverted to the regular 2.03.

I will look for the log at /tmp next time.

Thanks, we always appreciate reports.

You can send a log to termbin from the terminal and then just send us the URL here (it makes the support forum a bit less cluttered) like this:

cat /tmp/file.log | nc termbin.com 9999

de W6EL

[quote=“eliggett, post:4, topic:3938”]

cat /tmp/file.log | nc termbin.com 9999

I have committed quite a few change over the last few days to the Kenwood branch, especially relating to USB controllers, it works flawlessly on Windows, so may be a “Linux” issue?

One important thing is the version of libhid, as I suspect some versions of Linux are still using quite an old version (this will be at the top of the log)

Sorry, did not find it, but here is a copy of the later part of al log from a crash shortly after connecting the RC-28. You can se me testing the PTT before the crash.

2025-02-04 18:37:18.474 INF cw: Sidetone init() Thread= 0xce153300
2025-02-04 18:37:18.475 INF default: Changing queue interval to 25 ms
2025-02-04 18:37:18.475 INF system: Delay command interval timing:  25 ms
2025-02-04 18:37:18.475 INF system: Start periodic commands (and delete unsupported)
2025-02-04 18:37:18.493 WRN system: Spectrum length error, expected 475 got 125 (one can be ignored for USB connection)
2025-02-04 18:37:18.523 INF cw: "Sidetone Output: alsa_output.usb-C-Media_Electronics_Inc._USB_Audio_Device-00.analog-stereo (volume: 0 rate: 44100 size: 16 type: 1)"
2025-02-04 18:37:18.787 INF default: "Data: 0 Input: USB current: "
2025-02-04 18:37:18.801 INF default: "Data: 1 Input: USB current: "
2025-02-04 18:37:19.085 INF default: Band Buttons found current band: "10m"
2025-02-04 18:37:19.105 INF system: receiveMode "Received new mode for Main: 1 (USB) filter:2 data:0"
2025-02-04 18:37:19.600 INF default: "Data: 0 Input: USB current: USB"
2025-02-04 18:37:26.798 WRN qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
2025-02-04 18:37:28.622 INF rig: Unsupported command received from rig "1a05004600" Check rig file
2025-02-04 18:37:31.535 INF usbcontrol: Command 289 Value 0 Suffix 1
2025-02-04 18:37:32.995 INF usbcontrol: Command 289 Value 0 Suffix 0
2025-02-04 18:37:33.816 INF rig: Unsupported command received from rig "1a05004600" Check rig file
2025-02-04 18:37:41.945 INF usbcontrol: Command 289 Value 0 Suffix 1
2025-02-04 18:37:43.420 INF usbcontrol: Command 289 Value 0 Suffix 0
2025-02-04 18:37:46.472 INF rig: Unsupported command received from rig "1a05004600" Check rig file
2025-02-04 18:37:48.998 INF rig: Unsupported command received from rig "1a05004600" Check rig file
2025-02-04 18:38:04.123 INF rig: Unsupported command received from rig "1a05004600" Check rig file
```You can se me testing the PTT command, but I can see no info on the crash?

You don’t mention what radio? also can you post the top of the log, with the different versions of required libraries?

Using Icom 7300. This is a log after just starting Wfview without the RC-28:


Thanks, I was just wondering what those unsupported commands were, the command they refer to is:


I don’t use the built-in memo pad on the radio, so no idea why it is sending these commands? I can add them to the IC7300 rig file, but the message is pretty benign.

The version of hidapi is 0.13.1 which is fairly old, the latest release is 0.14.0 and that is the default version in Debian Sid (which is older than Debian Bookworm that you are running) so not sure why they have reverted to an older version in Bookworm, but this may explain why people are having issues after upgrading?

I don’t have a solution i’m afraid, other than building hidapi from source?

I will try to update hidapi and if I succeed will try again.

No, I found the package, but I dont know how to install it, my impression is that hidapi is a part of the operating system, rather than an app. This is too difficult for me.

But perhaps you will address the problem in coming updates? I suppose more users will install on bookworm in the future.