I can connect to my shack machine (runs Debian 12) using NoMachine and I have managed to connect my logging app (homebrew) to both my rigs (IC705 and IC7300) using USB connection with wfview. I can get audio to and from the shack computer and display the shack screen on my remote laptop.
In addition I can run wfview on the shack computer and connect it from wfview running on my laptop (W11). I can run my logger on the laptop and connect to wfview on the laptop.
Also I can connect directly to the IC705 from wfview on my laptop over WiFi.
However the two versions of wfview behave differently. I installed the supplied build for Windows to install on my laptop and downloaded the tarball for linux and built that on my shack machine. My logger will attempt to log measured RF power and so checks if the current CAT interface (in this case wfview) supports the RF power meter. On the linux version, the rig caps value says it doesn’t: On Windows the caps value says it does, though I’ve tested it and it doesn’t. The Windows version behaves like this in both the cases above: as a client to a wfview radio server; and when directly connected to the radio.
Generally though you need to make sure CI-V Transceive is turned ON. Check the radio. Some programs turn this off. With that enabled, we should be able to identify the radio and you will see wfview indicate the correct model in the bottom right corner.
I’ve posted 4 logs to termbin.com. The situations are:
Running WFVIEW on laptop (zephyr) connecting over wifi to IC-705. The log covers connecting my logging app to wfview. File https://termbin.com/pdth
Running wfview on shack machine (chinook) connecting on USB to IC-705. The log covers connecting my logger to wfview. File …/uyqv
Running wfview on shack machine connecting on USB to IC-705. Connecting wfview on laptop on Wifi to the first wfview, then connecting my logger on the laptop to wfview on the lap top. The log (…/56qm) is from the shack machine and covers connecting the two wfview instances then connecting my logger. The log (…/kswa) is from the laptop and covers connecting the logger to wfview.
All the WiFi connections should be in my home LAN.
What I would like to have done is connect wfview on the shack machine over wifi and then connect my logger on that machine, but I was struggling to get it configured correctly.