Announcement: wfview v2.00 released

We are pleased to announce the release of wfview v2.00

This release is a major re-write of many portions of wfview, and adds lots of new features, so initially some problems are to be expected, especially with older (non-scope) radios.

Most testing has been completed with radios that have a Spectrum Scope (as they are the radios that we own). If you have a radio that isn’t detected correctly, then we may need to create a new .rig file for it.


  • IP+, NB, NR, Digisel (DS) on/off controls for main RX
  • VOX, COMP on/off
  • rig definition files. Adding a new rig was never so easy
  • dual scope plus controls
  • dual rx
  • Main/Sub switching
  • translations
  • tabs changed into separate windows
  • scope detach/attach capabilities
  • rewritten rigctld
  • experimental TCI support for rig-control/audio
  • last tuning step store
  • default usb/lsb selection
  • band-limit support on scope radios
  • Tuning by clicking/scrolling on frequency display
  • improved power on/off handling
  • admin memory management mode
  • IC905 support
  • improved caching
  • add support for XKeysXK3
  • Lots of other fixes under the hood.

Download as usual from Download | wfview

Users of (Debian Based) Linux distributions should use our build/install script, which can be downloaded from · master · Elliott Liggett / scripts · GitLab

Please let us know how you get on.

73 The wfview team.



Happy Holidays, and thanks or making such terrific software available.

Re V 2 which I guess was just released:

I can’t open up the download on my mac.
Probably that old age problem again, but no idea what I am doing wrong.

Get error msg’s like:

     The file “” doesn’t appear to be a valid download file.

and other, more or less, the same

What am I, as usual, doing wrong ?

*Could you supply me with a correct link (for my mac) ?
Would be most appreciative.

BTW: Is this the version that will allow me to access the memories
in my Icom R8600 ?


That means the file is still downloading… once downloaded, the file will be called and it will extract the wfview application automatically by default on MacOS. Simply drag that to the Applications folder

Hello all.

Thanks for the hard work.

I just downloaded it and it installed fine, can see the radio across the network, and audio appears to be working but the virtual serial is not. HRD is unable to talk to the radio.

Version 1.2 is fine, works great, but 2.0 will not pass HRD through to the rig.

I have Windows 11, Icom IC-7610 and hard wired ethernet connection.

The virtual serial port program can see wfview open the port 115,200 8.n.1 which is how HRD is set but it cannot talk to the radio.

I have tried swapping the virtual serial ports pair 2-3 and 3-2 and same issue.

I have changed the settings, saved and restarted WFVIEW each time to no avail.

Any suggestions?

As I said, I can close 2.0 and then open 1.2 and it works fine.


Rob KW2E

To be honest, I don’t think we have tested the virtual serial port function for a while as it hasn’t really changed since v1.64. I will have a look but you may need to stick to older versions for a while.


I have no problem continuing to use the older version.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance.


Rob Neff (KW2E)

3109 Morton Bend Road SW

Rome, Georgia 30161


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I have tried several times to install unsuccessfully. I have deleted
the wfview directories and re-installed, but now I receive the
following message after the install (Windows 11): Unhandled exception
at 0x001457B8 in wfview.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading
location 0x00000008.
A disassembly shows the following code causing the exception:
mov ecx,dword ptr [edx+8]
Any suggestions would be helpful.

Dennis Engdahl

Quoting Phil Taylor M0VSE via wfview

Mac version no longer crashes and connects fine. I can transmit locally from the server PC (Windows) but cannot transmit from any remote connection whether it’s a windows or Mac. Radio is a IC-718 with a Digimode-4 interface.

@NR6J When you say you tried to install unsuccessfully, exactly what was unuccessfull? We need details. It looks like the install may not have completed. Some screenshots may be useful.

The IC-718 doesn’t have a CI-V command for Transmit, which means that wfview must TX using the serial RTS signal, we don’t currently have a way of sending that over the network connection. I will have to think about that one!


OK I have found the issue (and fixed it), we will most likely find a number of things like this in the next few days, so I will try to fix the easy ones and probably do a 2.01 release soon!

I retried with 1.64 and that didn’t work either. Actually, the
installation ran correctly. I get the error message when I try to
start with the installed shortcut from the menu. I quoted the error
message in my previous e-mail.

I may have to re-intall Windows and start again.

Dennis NR6J

Quoting Phil Taylor M0VSE via wfview

If you are using the x64 version, try the x86 version and see if that works.

On my windows 10 machine, I have upgraded to 2.0 and connected to my IC7610. Works without major issues. The line in the spectrum scope seems a bit hectic. When you are operating the 7610 with synched VFOs and Dual-Watch, it sometimes gets out of synch (I have to look closer into it).

A problem exists when I use my IC7300 with a raspberry as WFView Server (with 2.00). The tuner as well as the CW sender are not accessible. When I try FLDigi, there is no access to the radio control with the “old” settings. A config with virtual ports doesn’t work as well (I like that, because in that scenario I could use the cw mode, when transmitting via FLDigi),

Just for information, the setup IC7300 with WFView 1.64 Server on a Raspberry, used by WFView 2.00 on a windows 10 machine, works as well (also without Tuner and CW).


So, no to get mixed up, there three set ups here parallel

  1. IC7610 LAN WFVIew 2.00
  2. 1st IC7300 - RPI WFView 2.00 (access via VNC)
  3. 2nd IC7300 - RPI WFView 1.64 - LAN WFView 2.00 (Windows 10)

Thomas, DL3EL

The Tuner and CW “should” be accessible, I will check with my IC7300 (It is possible I have missed these commands in the IC-7300.rig file.) Yes virtual serial ports are not working in this version, This is already fixed in Gitlab and I plan to release a new version in a few days (once we have a few more bugs to squash!)

one additonal info, just seen. On Setup 2, it looks like, the radio is not recognized:

(with the 76100 it looks as expected).

However, the log says different:
2024-12-28 01:05:41.090 INF udp.server: **** Connecting rig instance to server
2024-12-28 01:05:41.091 INF cluster: starting dxClusterClient()
2024-12-28 01:05:41.092 INF cluster: Starting tcpSocket() on: 8000
2024-12-28 01:05:41.102 INF serial: Opened port: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.176 INF cluster: Sending: “xxxx\n”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.212 INF cluster: Sending: “set/skimmer\n”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.212 INF cluster: Sending: “set Dx Filter Skimmer\n”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.439 INF rigctld: session connected: 38
2024-12-28 01:05:41.527 INF default: Changing queue interval to 100 ms
2024-12-28 01:05:41.527 INF system: Delay command interval timing: 100 ms
2024-12-28 01:05:41.593 INF rig: “Have new rig ID: 0x94”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.598 INF rig: “Loading Rig: IC-7300 from /usr/local/share/wfview/rigs/IC-7300.rig”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.598 INF serial: Setting half duplex comms: Disabled
2024-12-28 01:05:41.600 WRN rigctld: No RigCaps available, aborting connection
2024-12-28 01:05:41.605 INF serial: Got rigcaps for: “IC-7300”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.610 INF rig: Using incomingCIVAddr: (int): 148 hex: “0x94”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.610 INF default: Receiving rigcaps into repeater setup.
2024-12-28 01:05:41.610 INF default: repeaterSetup got rigcaps for: “IC-7300”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.611 INF system: Running configureVFOs()
2024-12-28 01:05:41.763 INF default: Changing queue interval to 25 ms
2024-12-28 01:05:41.763 INF system: Delay command interval timing: 25 ms
2024-12-28 01:05:41.763 INF system: Start periodic commands (and delete unsupported)
2024-12-28 01:05:41.765 INF rigctld: Got rigcaps for: “IC-7300”
2024-12-28 01:05:41.766 INF rigctld: 38 disconnected
2024-12-28 01:05:41.824 CRT system: Spectrum length error! Expected 475 got 275
2024-12-28 01:05:41.959 INF default: "Data: 0 Input: MIC current: "
2024-12-28 01:05:41.960 INF default: "Data: 1 Input: USB current: "
2024-12-28 01:05:42.261 INF default: Band Buttons found current band: “40m”
2024-12-28 01:05:44.536 INF rigctld: session connected: 38
2024-12-28 01:05:44.555 INF rigctld: 38 disconnected

Thomas, DL3EL

That’s interesting, I will need to fire-up my RPi wfview server as it should work, let me check that and get back to you.

Yes I had missed those out of the .rig file. I have attached the updated file, you can copy that into the [wfview install directory]\rigs folder and restart wfview
IC-7300.rig (24.9 KB)

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