Audio kerchunking

Please provide the following information with your question:

  1. Operating System: linux
  2. source code compile
  3. Radio Model: IC-7300
  4. Method of radio connectivity USB:
  5. Did you check the FAQ and read the manual? Yes
    When audio comes back to client, using default method to transform back to USB, the audio has
    kerchunks every second or so. Thought was electric fence but put dummy load on, even shorted RF INPUT but still there. Tried “pulse” coding but no change. Sounds like a buffer spillover or
    periodic polling. Just wondering if it can be mitigated? On my “gamer” question I was directed to look into using ICOM CoDEC on server output but don’t see that in the pull downs on 1.65 so can’t test that one.

Please send us a log file from when it happens on your client side.

de W6EL