Band Stacking - V2

Now it links without error, but complains about .DLLs it can’t find. I copied portaudio_x86.dll to its folder but then it complained about msvcr110d.dll.

I switched to VS2019 and when building, it complains on this:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error There’s no Qt version assigned to project wfview.vcxproj for configuration Debug/Win32.
Please set a Qt installation in ‘Project|Properties|Configuration Properties|Qt Project Settings|Qt Installation’. wfview C:\Users\davew\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qt_vars.targets 68

I don’t see a ‘Qt Installation’ under Qt Project Settings.

Do I need a different qt-vars.targets for VS2019?


Hi Dave.

I suspect that the portaudio_x86.dll was originally built with an older version of Visual Studio so you need to install the older Microsoft VC runtime:

73 Phil M0VSE

With Visual Studio, you need to set it in the Tools/Qt menu.

73 Phil

I downloaded the VC=+ redistributable, it said I already had that version - did I want to repair it? I said yes. Still no find. I checked for a msvcr110 and it found msvcr110.dll, but not the msvcr110D.dll that wfview.exe wanted. This was using Qt Creator.

In VS2019, I also tried to set the version in the project properties, but still have same error.


Hi Dave.

You probably need to build portaudio yourself as it looks like you are missing a required .dll for it?

There is a visual studio solution within portaudio which I was able to build fine.

On Visual Studio, you must have the QT Visual Tools installed and then in the Extensions menu, will have Qt VS Tools and there you configure QT Versions.

73 Phil M0VSE

Ok, thanks, Phil. Will give that a try.

Hi Dave.

I have created a .zip file of my portaudio directory (just the msvc and include directories) which you should be able to use to build wfview:

73 Phil

Thanks, Phil. I will try it. When I tried to build portaudio with VS2019 it said it was too old, so this should help.


I had to change a couple of folders a bit and copy portaudio_x86.dll to the run-time folder, but it COMPILED, LINKED, and it RUNS using VS2019! Good enough for now. Some cleanup later.

Thank you!

Now will see what I remember regarding c++!

That’s great Dave.

73 Phil

I really appreciate your help, Phil!