Band Stacking - V2

Yes that is only used so it can put the version of portaudio in the log.


Ok, good. Thanks! I will proceed.

The only possible caveat is that I suspect the pre-built portaudio that you have is an older version so may have other issues?


The one I have I got from:

and it was called

I wouldn’t worry too much about the version as I actually find that QT’s own audio works the best on Windows anyway so you likely won’t actually use either portaudio or rtaudio!


I must have something wrong in my Qt Build settings. It now compiles, but gets this error:

:-1: error: LNK1104: cannot open file ‘portaudio_x86.lib’

This file exists in both:
H:\dave\Documents\projects\wfview-master\portaudio\lib\Win32\Debug and

Do I have to add H:\dave\Documents\projects\wfview-master\portaudio\lib\Win32 to my LIB env var?

Hi Dave.

That’s because it’s looking for it in “my” build directory which is:

win32:LIBS += -L…/portaudio/msvc/Win32/Release/ -lportaudio_x86


win32:LIBS += -L…/portaudio/msvc/Win32/Debug/ -lportaudio_x86

These need changing in


Incidentally, I notice that your directory is called wfview-master, I assume that you downloaded a zip of the current master branch of wfview?

I would ‘strongly’ recommend use of git. Personally I prefer the command line client but there are a number of gui clients available. It will be almost impossible to work on/contribute/update wfview without it!


Thanks, Phil. This is just a test setup, to see what has to happen to get a workable build. I intend to scrap and redo and at that time will use git for everything possible.

BTW - I edited and made changes like this:

win32:LIBS += -L…/portaudio/msvc/Win32/Debug/ -lportaudio_x86

win32:LIBS += -L../portaudio/lib/Win32/Debug/ -lportaudio_x86

I also had to make this change:

win32:LIBS += -lportaudio

win32:LIBS += -lportaudio_x86

Now I no longer get the error on portaudio, but have some issues with opus to track down.

I hope that I can make more positive impact than the negative impact I am creating getting this thing going! I appreciate the help!


What does this mean?

opus.lib(celt.obj):-1: warning: LNK4099: PDB ‘opus.pdb’ was not found with ‘opus.lib(celt.obj)’ or at ‘H:\dave\Documents\projects\wfview-master\build-wfview-Desktop_Qt_5_15_2_MSVC2019_32bit-Debug\wfview-debug\opus.pdb’; linking object as if no debug info

Also BTW, I got the wfview source using the following - per the web page instructions:

cd wfview-master
git clone Elliott Liggett / wfview · GitLab


I suspect it means that the opus.lib that your opus.lib was not a debug build? I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

That’s good about git :slight_smile:


I’m beginning to think I should have just built up a linux VM or something!

Right now, I’m just building the DEBUG builds?

To be honest it doesn’t really matter. I wouldn’t worry about warnings. Errors are a problem though!

And I have 4 folders in wfview-master/opus/Win32:

They all have an opus.lib

Yes each one matches whatever build you are doing of wfview. The ones with DLL at the end mean that you will need to copy the opus.dll file into your wfview build directory before you can run it. The ones without are statically linked libraries so don’t rely on a .dll. If you are doing a debug build then link to whichever of the debug libraries you want to use (you will probably need to edit to tell it where to look)


Ok, thanks, Phil. Will proceed. Might be tomorrow. Running out of steam today!

You have been a great help!


Outside of a bunch of warnings because there seems to be no opus.pdb file, there are only a handful of link errors now, mostly related to RtAudio. I got RtAudio using git, and the version is 5.2.0. Here is one of the 4 RtAudio unresolved externals errors:
RTAudio.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__CoUninitialize@0 referenced in function “public: virtual __thiscall RtApiWasapi::~RtApiWasapi(void)” (??1RtApiWasapi@@UAE@XZ)

Any suggestions?

Hi Dave

I assume it is because you are using Qt Creator? I have never tried to build wfview with it and always use Visual Studio, it needs the Microsoft Ole library which probably isn’t included by default?

In you need to add -lole32 to the libraries.

There may be others as well but Google will help you determine any other libraries that are needed

73 Phil

Thanks, Phil. I’ll try that, but I may switch to VS2019 as that is a more familiar environment for me.
