Look at the two pictures I saved on my computer with wfview running and the direct capture on my R8600
I must say that although I am 72 years old my eyesight is good, that maybe hampering you much more than me.
The display-settings on the R8600 is not default, but set to MY preferences!
The signals you see in the two images are taken seconds apart. Very important is to set the “Ref” on wfview and note that this also influences the waterfall and spectrum display on the receiver itself. It needs quite a bit of study even for experienced users.
73, Peter - PA0PJE
You can see how to customize the colors for some of the UI elements in wfview. In particular the [DarkColors] and [LightColors] sections. There are also some sample colors you can use listed under [StandardColors].
For windows users, you have to edit the windows registry, which is really not something I’m comfortable asking anyone to do, since there’s a lot of trouble in there as well. Alternatively, you can use the --settings command-line argument to wfview to specify a plaintext settings file.
One day these settings will all get proper interface widgets within the program, but for now, they’re available only via these means.