Confusion about virtual serial ports for 7610 vs 705, external control

On my 705, I am connecting to the rig from WFView using Wifi. In WFView, I choose a VSP of 13 and OmniRIg I choose 14 for the VSP and it works fine.

For the 7610, I am directly connected from the PC to the rig via serial port COM8. In WFView via LAN, I select a Virtual Port of 15 and in OmniRIg I choose a Virtual Port of 16 (those are defined virtual pair on my PC). But I can’t get it to connect. Am I doing something wrong with the serial port pairs?

Let’s take a specific use case.

I want to use WSJT-X with WFView.

WFView is connected via LAN to the radio. External RigCtld is enabled, Port 4533, Virtual SP COM13, TCP 0.

In WSJT-X, I pick the 7610, Virtual Com Port 14, Baud Rate 57600 (which is what the radio CI-V USB Baud Rate is set to). But shouldn’t I be using some sort of network connection option in WSJT-X? It’s not working, and I am missing something simple.

What should my settings be for Radio Control in WSJT-X?

OK, I DID find a related post.

Hamlib rigctld emulation | wfview

I am using for the network address in WSJT-X. WFView has RigCtld enabled, port 4532, Virtual Port 0.

Weird, the rig disabled CI-V Transceive somehow. I re-enabled it and everything is working fine.

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