Could someone tell me how to enhance WFView for mobile wireless radio activities?

Hello everyone :wave:

I hope you are all well. I am looking for help and suggestions on how to improve my setup for remote wireless radio operations. I have been an instrument radio lover for a few years; but I have recently started looking into online working and discovered WFView as a possible response.

My present setup includes a The icom ic-7300, which I have successfully linked to WFView over my home network. While I have got the basics running; I would like to go deeper into optimising my setup for more reliable and efficient remote operation; particularly over the internet.

  • I have found a few audio dropouts and quality concerns. Which adjustments inside WFView or other applications have you found to improve audio quality and accuracy?
  • Are there any specific encoding and data rates that function better at various connection speeds?
  • Using a smartphone presents unexpected security risks. What steps do you take to protect your WFView setup from unwanted access? Are there any vpn setups and other security protocols you recommend?
  • For the majority of you who frequently work from home; what other ideas and unknown WFView abilities have you found very useful?
  • Are there any extensions and additional uses that you use with WFView to improve your remote working experience?

Also I read some post manully like this I got the valuable information from that post but I would really want to get some help from more experienced person. I am excited to learn about the potential of WFView and :heart: I would appreciate any advice and personal experiences you can provide.

Thank you in advance for your help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Jazlyn,

For audio quality and since you are running your own server, use the Opus codec and set the sample rate to 16khz. This provides some FEC and a much reduced data rate. If at all possible, use a wired ethernet connection for your server.

As far as network security goes, you’re on your own. Most VPNs don’t pass UDP although some do. We can’t advise you here on this. It’s a topic for a network security forum.

I personally really like the ShuttleProV2 hardware controller. Makes my laptop feel like a real radio :slight_smile:

Take care,

de W6EL

Echo the WIRED CONNECTION. I tried all manner of wireless bridges at the server side, and all of them were unpredictable. 1 day it was fine, next it was impossible to use. This all changed when i connected my (linux) radio server to the broadband router with LAN. Any issues after that were problems with the client. Again, the more wireless You involve (wifi/5g) the more problems. This is not a WFview thing, it’s a wireless transport thing.

As for security, nothing connected to the internet is 100% secure. No matter who You pay to protect You, or what you believe, if someone wants to mess with You, they can & will.

The very best policy is to EXPECT unwelcome visitors, and to prepare accordingly. Make backup images. Use as insane passwords as You can. Inspect firewall rules at Your router and on devices. If you are allowing a machine ‘serve’ to the internet, use a dedicated machine for the task at hand, store nothing of value on it. Disable services if You do not need them - like FTP, TELNET or SSH or REMOTE ASSISTANCE or CLOUD services. This will not stop a dedicated (bored teenage) intruder, but it will offer some protection from the automated bots that prowl looking for suckers.

But, Be realistic - We are Radio experimenters, not banks or corporate entities. We are unlikely to be specific targets, but We should expect bots to poke at out front doors on behalf of ‘call centres’ who have spare time on their hands. Allegedly.

Wanted to add some things to think about.

If you build your remote station, make sure you can remotely:

  1. disconnect all antennas when not using it (thunder storms…)
  2. power on/off most of your equipment remotely (and also power cycle)

I am already using a station that is build like that and except failures that happen, like:

a) relay failure (and rx antenna does not work)
b) raspberry pi with sdcard does not boot due to sdcard failure

all works for few years already.

And works even better since I am using wfview!:slight_smile: