Cw usage in contest?

Hello, im new here, i recently worked about remote my 7300 and was great and so easy.
Unfortunately i see that there are not any shortcut for use the CW memory on the keyer software (Like f1 f2 or maybe some combo like ctrl+1 etc.)
Another thing, i succesfully connected the frequency control from an external software trought the remote wfview, but is there any chance to use my contest software as keyer to transmit? (it require a com and dtr/rts).
I mean i can’t digit someone callsign twice or 3 times between software log and wfview cw keyer.
Is there any existing option or solution? Or are the team still working on it?
After all, great job for this software i really appreciated, easy and work great!
73, Andy

Hi Andy

I think it is on the list. I was even thinking, that best way would be to make a simple translator - virtual serial port, which would understand “WinKey commans” and it would then translate them to Icom’s CI-V for sending CW. I guess this would be easier to implememnt that having a CW Decoder running against serial RTS/DTR being keyed. I am surprised though that N1MM nor Win-Test dont offer CW Keying direct for new ICOM RIGs , supporting CW over CAT/CI-V. If they did, then all needed would be virtual srial port - from the Contest logger to wf-view / radio.
jiri 73

Yes I have thought about adding a WinKey emulator to the existing CW window. As you say, this would require a virtual serial port, which is easy enough in Linux, but in Windows an external package is required (as it must be signed to be accepted as a Windows driver)


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Hi Phil,

now with little more time for radio… I looked and it seems that Linux way would be easiest, or even TCP Serial port like we currently have. Both N1MM and Win-Test allow for interface / CW to be added either via COM or via IP:PORT
I tested WFVIEW and WinTest, not by RigCtld but via ICOM7300 and localhost:port - works well.


How would that work with rigs that are ethernet connected? All the solutions MUST be available
on at least Linux, the MACs and Windows.

I do have wfview (network) running while I use n1mm+ but that’s really so that I have fast scope on screen while my rig is on my side.

I assume you are talking about the TCP server port offered by wfview? it was designed for connecting to N1MM+ (as it doesn’t support rigctld) and there is even an option in wfview to split the scope data into the serial format used by the IC7300 so you can use the scope builtin to N1MM+

I haven’t see a ‘TCP’ method of CW keying in N1MM+ though?