Fedora loop back config

Hello, I have had latest WFView working on Linux Mint 22, with Qlog, FLDigi and WSJTX , using the sound loop back configuration settings in the WFView manual. I have not been successful with the audio configuration is Fedora 41. Is there somewhere that has some tips in getting the loop back working properly in Fedora.?


I don’t personally have Fedora, but I feel like it should work just fine.

What happens when you try it? Does the loopback device show up?

I did not see the loop back installed, maybe I’ll reload and try again this weekend. Thanks

I have loopback runing in Fedora 39

Naming of sound devices can be a challenge:
// Could be placed in /etc/asound.conf
// But will be overwritten every update
// Put it in /home/user-name/.asoundrc file

defaults.namehint.extended on
defaults.pcm.ipc_perm 0660

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Hi Knudch,

To be clear, you followed our directions and then did these additional steps you outlined, correct?

I will add it to our documentation if it is that simple.


de W6EL

Hi Elliott

Yes so far as I remember…a while ago.
But I can test a new setup in fedora to see if it goes ok

I have mentioned it before
“sound system in Linix is a mess, inconsistent over different distros”
Nothing to do with Wfview

The above setting influence how the sound device are named.
There are also difference how apps interpret device names, and then the different sound systems…very confusing and for me a returning challange when updates comes


Have just made a test in a fresh fedora 41

used standard build and did the additional thing in respect to F36 install which I already have given to you to install it, eg different package names etc. but that is only to get wfview to run.

The above mentioned audio device naming applies for F41 also

No other changes from standard F41 KDE install


I can see that there exist 2 install instructions


The INSTALL.md goes not with the pre built binary
But instruction for installing prebuilt binary in Fedora F36 (Contributed by me) are only in this file.

Maybe this info should be added to the INSTALL_PREBUILT_BINARY.md


Just came to my mind…

Install in fedora is now hasle free with wfview from fedora repos
“dnf install wfview”

No other changes.

Only when the loopback interface is needed the above mentioned .asoundrc should be done.



So I have been following this conversation but being somewhat new to Linux I am not sure how to achieve the loopback in Fedora. Like I said before, was easy in Mint as it was cut and paste. So am I supposed to do exactly like the WFview documents and then apply something to the .asoundrc file in Fedora? Fedora is also using pipewire so not sure if this is a problem as well.



I am also using Fedora 41 and build the new 2.0 version from source code. I utilize Pipewire and qpwgraph to configure audio.

First, I made loopback device on pipewire. You can copy following configuration into ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/10-radio.conf

context.modules = [
    {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
        args = {
            audio.position = [ FL FR ]
            capture.props = {
                media.class = Audio/Sink
                node.name = radio_rx.sink
                node.description = "Radio RX (RADIO)"
            playback.props = {
                node.name = "radio_rx.playpack"
		node.description = "Radio RX (SOFTWARE)"
    {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
        args = {
            audio.position = [ FL FR ]
            capture.props = {
                media.class = Audio/Sink
                node.name = "radio_tx.sink"
                node.description = "Radio TX (SOFTWARE)"
            playback.props = {
                node.name = "radio_tx.playback"
		node.description = "Radio TX (RADIO)"

Now we can restart pipewire and install qpwgraph

systemctl --user restart pipewire
sudo dnf install -y qpwgraph

And next, we must configure the qpwgraph. Below is my configuration that will configure wfview, wsjtx and js8call. You can save it to radio.qpwgraph file.

<!DOCTYPE patchbay>
<patchbay name="radio" version="0.8.0">
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [wfview]/ALSA Playback [wfview]" port="ALSA Playback [wfview]:output_FR"/>
   <input node="Radio RX (RADIO)" port="Radio RX (RADIO):playback_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [wsjtx]/ALSA Playback [wsjtx]" port="ALSA Playback [wsjtx]:output_FL"/>
   <input node="Radio TX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio TX (SOFTWARE):playback_FL"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio TX (RADIO)" port="Radio TX (RADIO):output_FR"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [wfview]/ALSA Capture [wfview]" port="ALSA Capture [wfview]:input_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio RX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio RX (SOFTWARE):output_FL"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [wsjtx]/ALSA Capture [wsjtx]" port="ALSA Capture [wsjtx]:input_FL"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio RX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio RX (SOFTWARE):output_FR"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [js8call]/ALSA Capture [js8call]" port="ALSA Capture [js8call]:input_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio TX (RADIO)" port="Radio TX (RADIO):output_FL"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [wfview]/ALSA Capture [wfview]" port="ALSA Capture [wfview]:input_FL"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio RX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio RX (SOFTWARE):output_FR"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [wsjtx]/ALSA Capture [wsjtx]" port="ALSA Capture [wsjtx]:input_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [wfview]/ALSA Playback [wfview]" port="ALSA Playback [wfview]:output_FL"/>
   <input node="Radio RX (RADIO)" port="Radio RX (RADIO):playback_FL"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [js8call]/ALSA Playback [js8call]" port="ALSA Playback [js8call]:output_FR"/>
   <input node="Radio TX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio TX (SOFTWARE):playback_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="Radio RX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio RX (SOFTWARE):output_FL"/>
   <input node="PipeWire ALSA [js8call]/ALSA Capture [js8call]" port="ALSA Capture [js8call]:input_FL"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [wsjtx]/ALSA Playback [wsjtx]" port="ALSA Playback [wsjtx]:output_FR"/>
   <input node="Radio TX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio TX (SOFTWARE):playback_FR"/>
  <item node-type="pipewire" port-type="pipewire-audio">
   <output node="PipeWire ALSA [js8call]/ALSA Playback [js8call]" port="ALSA Playback [js8call]:output_FL"/>
   <input node="Radio TX (SOFTWARE)" port="Radio TX (SOFTWARE):playback_FL"/>

Now you can start the qpwgraph and load the pathbay. Select activate and exclusive. This will make it so that default speakers and others will not connect the virtual audio device or programs (wfview, js8call, wsjtx). After that you can configure pipewire as audio device on software and qpwgraph will route the audio into right place.



In Fedora less & more are needed for loopback configuration than what is described in the manual Audio section “Loopback”

What is needed (as described in manual):

"sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/virtual-sound.conf

Add the following into this file. This creates 2 loopback devices (10 and 11) You can add more devices here if needed:

alias snd-card-0 snd-aloop
options snd-aloop enable=1,1 index=10,11"

Not desribed in the manual:
Add “asoundrc” file as described above

Reboot or do “sudo modprobe snd-aloop”

This count for Wfview 1.64

I have not got ver 2 to compile yet…(another thread)

The issue with the asoundrc file is purely a naming problem…by testing you can get it working but is confusing because for example Wsjt-x and wfview does not show similiar names and it is total guesswork which device shall be used…my experience


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Thank you both for the quick response. I will explore these options later today…

Again thank you
Richard - VE6PCO