Hamlib rigctl emulation with Flrig/Fldigi

I’ve had no problems using wfview’s virtual serial port with Flrig and Fldigi. But I see that use of Hamlib rigctl emulation is now preferred. I’m connecting to an IC-7300 via USB to a Raspberry Pi 400.

So…when I configure wfview and click on the Enable RigCtld box, do I set the dropdown for Virtual Serial Port to “None”? In that case, what device name should I have Flrig connect to.

If I eliminate use of Flrig and connect directly to my radio from Fldigi, do I select Hamlib? What should I select for my serial device?

Yes, I know that use of Flrig for rig control is redundant with wfview, but I’ve been using Flrig so long it’s second nature to use it.

With my current use of wfview’s virtual serial port, all is working well, so is this a case “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it?”

Harry Bloomberg W3YJ