IC-705 Wfview stopped working

I’m using Wfview to connect to my IC-705 over WLAN. Everything has been working fine but today it wouldn’t control the radio unless I entered the manual CI-V address (A4) and checked the box. Never had to do this before. Also, the waterfall will no longer display on Wfview, but does display on the radio. I checked all the relevant radio settings, everything looks OK. I have WLAN AF/IF OUTPUT (under SET/CONNECTORS) set to IF. Has anyone else suddenly had this problem with their 705?

Fixed it, SET/CONNECTORS/CI-V/CI-V Transceive was somehow set to OFF but Wfview wants that set to ON. Once I did that everything is working now.

You may already know this, but here’s a tip that has greatly saved me much aggravation.

Once I have a configuration of the IC-705 I really like, I save it on the micro SD card and give it a meaningful name, like “wfview IC-705 access point.” If I want to use N1MM+, I have another saved setting named “N1MM USB.” Every so often I manage to get the radio “goofed up” and a reboot with a saved setting on the SD card has saved me much grief.

Harry Bloomberg W3YJ

That’s a good idea. I was using another program (PstRotator) which might have changed some settings yesterday. Now that Wfview is working again I will save the config on the SD card.

CI-V transceive is something we rely on to detect the rig that’s connected.

Other software may disable this setting as they cannot handle data they didn’t ask for.