IC-7300 audio on PC

Hi there,
this topic also touches my problems on IC7300. I’ve connected to 7300 via USB to my PC running Wfview on Windows. Using Wfview as a server, it’s possible to use a Wfview-Client to connect to my PC and to use a headset for listening and talking. So this works for me with my laptop on the terrace or in the yard, but it’s not satisfying in my shack.
There’s the Server-PC running wfview connected via USB and it seems impossible to make the headset working in listening and talking.
So i would appreciate a solution for using normal USB-headset for my PC to talk and listen without redirection to a second computer or a second instance of wfview on the same computer (if it works…).
Cornel DK5CR

which PC is the headset connected to? server or client?

I re-read your message.

wfview server doesn’t do anything with the radio audio except of course serve it over the network.

If you want to loop headset audio into your radio, you’ll need to install some software in windows that does audio loopback. Or, connect the headset directly to the radio as I do (with some adapters).

Don’t forget to check what “mod source” is selected on the radio (or inside wfview’s Radio Settings) such that whichever mic you’re using is working for transmit audio.

de W6EL

Hi Elliott, thanks for your reply.

Connecting a common USB-Headset to Icom7300 won’t work, because there’s no support. To purchase an additional headset is not my favorite choice, cause there is limited space on my desk :wink:
So looping audio seems to be a way to proceed, but i’m kinda too goofy, because i have no idea, how to make settings in Wfview for getting this done.

I can put “USB” in “Radio settings” on modulation input and “Data mod input”. This gives the connection via USB to the Icom. So far so good. That’s the same setting like in the menu of my rig itself.
if i connect via LAN from another computer, then the audio signals will take their way from wfview to the USB-Connection, if “Radio server” has the right settings (USB).

The other settings tabs don’t have any knobs, fields, tabs for handling audio issues.

There’s no settings tab, where i can determine the local computers in- or output from which the audio goes via USB to the rig.

So what’s the clue? Thanx a lot.
Cornel DK5CR

Listen carefully. wfview server only uses USB audio to run the radio server.

wfview’s USB audio is only used to run the radio server.

If you want to loop audio between your headset and the radio, you will need to fiddle with your operating system and some third-party audio loopback applications. You can close wfview while you do this, wfview has nothing to do with it.

To be clear, wfview doesn’t use your USB radio’s audio except for running the wfview radio server.

Sorry for the confusion,

de W6EL