IC-R8600 windows10 wfview 1.64 doesn't work !

Hi everyone. I’m trying wfview with ic-705 ic-7610 ic-9700 and it works very well. Only with ic-r8600 it doesn’t work well. the computer connects and I can receive the 2 meter band, even if it doesn’t work in DV… also you can’t change the frequency…I’ve certainly set all the parameters well…but nothing to do. Anyone have similar problems? 73 de i4wrm Ros

Hi Ros,

It may be that the 8600 is stuck in memory mode. Try flipping it to VFO mode and see if that helps with the frequency agility.

I apologize but I do not have that radio (yet), so it has not been tested with as much.

de W6EL

First of all thank you and congratulations for your magnificent work. I tried WFview on several Windows 10 computers together with IC 7610 - IC 705 - IC 9700 and it works really well, both in LAN and via INTERNET using a fixed IP. I would like to point out that I also use the original RSBA-1 vers 2 from ICOM (Windows) and SDR-Mobile + SDR-Control from Marcus Roskosch DL8MRE (IPHONE 8 - IPAD). Above all, the latter also work very well with IC-R8600 but they are paid and they only work in the IOS environment, while I am looking for something that works in Windows 10. At the moment the original ICOM program exists but it costs 150 euros!! I find .WFview effective and easy to configure, you really did a great job!!. Returning to the IC-R8600, I checked that it is in VFO mode as you recommended. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work 100% well. It works well from 139 to 151 MHZ, but if I try to change frequency, OUT OF RANGE appears. I tried to change the range but it doesn’t maintain the configuration. Furthermore, the DV (Digital Voice) mode does not appear and the bands that appear are those of the 7610. I understand that not having an IC-R8600 available is a big problem for you to solve. Thank you for your kind attention and congratulations again .73 de Ros i4wrm

“Out of range” is the same as the radio. Icom requires the user to manually define the spectrum range. You can simply set it to “Center” and it will center the range around what is tuned in. Same as the front panel of the radio actually.

de W6EL

Excellent… thanks, I’m trying and at least as far as broadband reception is concerned it’s OK… Everything else remains. But it’s already a good step forward! Thanks 73 de Ros i4wrm

Make sure it says “R8600” in the lower-right corner after you connect. Otherwise, indeed, wfview will not know what radio is in use.

You may want to make separate shortcuts on the desktop to open wfview for each radio. As it stands, wfview does not like changing radio types without relaunching (we are addressing this in the next version).

You can read how to make icons for each radio with wfview on our website.


de W6EL

IC-R8600 appears in the lower right corner. To change the radios I find it convenient to change the Hostname and also the Control Port in Settings. This way I also quickly change whether I want to access from the Internet or from the LAN. Thanks again for the advice…73

Why doesn’t it work in DV? (DSTAR)

Hi Ros,

I haven’t tried DStar and I don’t have an 8600, so maybe someone else can chime in that knows. I thought it worked last I asked.

I’ve seen wfview crash when switching between radios due to some issues; if you’re not seeing this bug though, I wouldn’t complain!

de W6EL

Hi Elliott.
In fact, for what I have to do, that’s fine too. We hope that in the future someone in your programming group will have an 8600 available to try. Thanks again and congratulations 73 de Ros i4wrm