IC7300: CW broken by 2.00 and 2.01 (video attached)

Please see this video for a demo of the problem I am experiencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M26EjRtzUs

Brief summary of problem (put in title as well):
Radio Model: IC7300
Connectivity (USB/Ethernet/Wifi/Other): Wifi
Operating System: OSX 15.1.1
wfview version (press “About”): 2.01
Checked the wfview manual (Y/N): Y
Checked the wfview FAQ (Y/N): Y
Tried to google it (Y/N/NA): Y

What I did: I am trying to use CW, as I did many times in the past

Expected behavior: CW is sent by the radio when typing something in the CW window after CW or CW-R modes are selected and break-in is set.

Observed behavior: I was able to send a few characters once, then it stopped and never sent anything anymore. When the STOP button is pressed, two question marks are actually sent in CW (…–… repeated twice) but not displayed in the screen. This previously also happened with version 2.00.

I discovered an issue which was causing the mode detection to be intermittent, which would stop it sending most of the time. This is now fixed and there will be a release soon.

I will check the ‘Stop’ button, as to be honest I very rarely use it and it could have an issue. Icom radios send ? when they receive a character that they don’t know, so there could easily be an error in the code. If there is, this will also be fixed in the next release.
