Icom 705 Problem IP do not update IP adress

I do vant to install Wfview, on my Windows PC, but my 705 do not show the IP address after restart

I have marked DHCP (Valid after restart )

But i don´t get an IP after restart

in the last line there is grey numbers

Well, I don’t know if it’s an undocumented feature of of wfview, but instead of an IP I have just entered IC-705 In the address field of the wfviev setup.

This is the same as ’Network Radio Name’ in ‘Remote Settings’ of ‘WLAN Set’ settings on the IC-705. Basically the radios DNS or Host name on the local network.


Erik - OZ1ES

Hi Erik,

I think that hostname will only work if the radio successfully joins the wifi network, and, if the wifi network has a router that supports a local DNS function with automatic entries for DHCP leases. I’ve set my IC-9700 hostname to “ic9700”, and that works for me with my home network setup.


You will need to carefully follow the directions from Icom with the IC-705 to join your home wifi network, including setting the wifi name and password. Once complete, enable network control and set a username and password for the rig’s control access. I don’t have a 705 so I am not familiar with the exact procedure, but there are plenty of tutorials online and of course there’s the online PDF.

Let us know if you have difficulties. There are many IC-705 users here.

de W6EL