ICOM 7300 low audio

I am connected via usb to my IC-7300. Once I solved the low audio output issue and checked into my local net, I received signal reports as having fuzzy audio. I discovered that I was now over driving my 7300 with high mic gain. I was now able to readjust the mic gain within wfview. Once it was reduced my signal reports were much better.

– Some lessons learned –

I have spent a couple of days trying to get wfview working and discovered the best setup for me is to have a Linux (Zorin 17.1) radio server and Windows 11 internet client(s). I could not get a Windows 11 radio server to work. I had no receive audio, thus I went with a Linux base system which required setting “Radio Server” settings, “RX Audio Input” and “TX Audio Output” both to “default”. Once these were set, walla :), my wfview client computer system was producing radio receiver audio.

I learn a lot about this wonderful program and I am excited to be able to check-in to my local Alaska nets while I am snow birding in Arizona this winter.

Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into this wonderful piece of software.
73s Ed,
Wasilla, Alaska

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