Icom 7610

Just want to say thank you for this great software! I am using it with my Icom 7610 using the LAN connection. So far, it works beautifully! The only rough edges are around the Dual watch and Tracking which I realize will be in the second release. I will be patient but I love what you have done so far. This is my first time using remote control software and it all works as expected. I intend to download and use every new version as it is released. I am using the windows version running on both windows 10 and windows 8.1 with no issues. Amazing!

A big thank you to the developers!


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the kind words. We’re literally making the program that we want to use. I’m very flattered by the responses that we have received lately!

Also glad to know it works on windows 8.1, that’s something we haven’t tested yet.



de W6EL

Hi Elliott and team,

Thanks for the software ,just installed it on my w8.1 and ic7610 running ok,looking forward to future upgrades keep up the good work.

Peter de vk2nn


DW, dual scope, tracking, audio scope… all on the list to do at some point. Maybe even popping out of the scope windows and such.

thanks for the kind words, we’re happy to hear this.