ICOM IC-7410 USB Audio Codec


I’m using an ICOM IC-7410 on Windows 11 64, and version 1.62 of Wfview (32Bit).

I have a USB cable between my IC-7410 and my computer. When connected I see an audio device called 'Speakers (USB Audio Codec).

Have have changed settings, closed and restarted but I don’t get any audio through my PC speakers. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Have you changed the Audio Output for Windows?

Down by your clock, on the right side, locate your Volume icon. You should be able to click that and it will pop up your selected output. You might need to change the Output to whatever device your speakers are.

Hope that helps…


Thanks, yes, checked that and it is set correctly.

Can I actually listen via my PC or does that only work in network mode? Thanks

Yes, you can listen via your PC speakers. I do.

Do you have other windows sounds or audio making sounds via that output?


No, complete silence

When I go to audio troubleshooter I see alongside this device that it says ‘No Jack information available’

Hmm, do you have any unidentified devices, that need a driver installed, listed in your device manager?


I will check in the morning. Thanks

Do you have a good reason to use the 32 bit version?

Hi, please see my other post. The 64bit version crashes soon after starting when the USB is connected.

Peter, I was told no sound comes through the server speakers because the radio is nearby. So , I think you are working as designed. I’m new though so could be wrong. I don’t get sound through my client which is more of a problem. I’m thinking my router ports are being reassigned by reviewing the log files.

Good luck!

Fixed by reading another comment about using ‘Listen to this device’ Thanks