I have Wfview configured on a Windows 10 box in server mode. I have tested it with two differnt laptops as network clients and it works GREAT!. I have created a settings file for this configuration on the clients so I can come back to it.
After disconnecting the USB cable from the pc and connecting it to a Raspberry Pi 4 I have set up a new server and new settings files on the clients. Everything seems to work as it should except there is an intermittent click in the radio as if a momentary PTT. This makes RX audio drop out and I believe causes the choppy tx audio I have had as reported by qso’s.
I would really like to switch to the RPI since I have node red running on it controlling some power supply relays and monitoring other radios temp and TXpower, etc. Any thoughts on the intermittent “PTT” interruptions?
Please check the log and make sure there is not excessive packet loss. Just press “Log” to see it.
On your server, you can try switching the audio system from QtAudio to Port Audio or RT Audio. When you switch audio systems, you will have to re-select the radio’s USB audio device from the menus in the wfview server settings. (They change names with differetn systems.) Sometimes one audio system will work a lot better than another.
Thanks for the quick response. Log monitoring is your friend. When I watch the log window I see the following:
2025-01-18 11:24:34.034 INF serial: Opened port: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
2025-01-18 11:24:44.853 INF serial: Opened port: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
2025-01-18 11:24:57.248 INF serial: Opened port: “/dev/ttyUSB0”
Each line entry coincides with the interruption. Every 10 seconds there is a new line entry. I have seen the same behavior on all three audio options. By the way, I took this log snippet from the server connected by USB.
My environment:
Raspberry Pi 4B
OS - Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Wfview version - 2.03
Radio - IC-7300
Log snippit is from the RPI (server)
No clients connected
It looks to me like the rig USB port may be disconnecting and then immediately reconnecting. This is a common symptom that the power supply to the Pi is under-voltage or not able to supply sufficient current.
If this is the case, you should see those disconnects/reconnects in dmesg
I tried the udevadm monitor and saw tons of stuff when I unplugged and plugged the USB cable into the RPi. I monitored it and could see the port reopen statements in wfview log, but there were no corresponding entries (or any entries) in the udevadm window.
Out of frustration, I reverted the wfview config to factory and configured the Radio access. After restartng the app there was no problem - in the audio, the wfview log, or the udevadm window. I went back and reconfigured the server window, restarted wfview, and still no problem. Tested from a laptop and all seems great. I swear I have tried that before, but I am not going to complain that it worked.
Thanks for the help. I love wfview. I have RS-BA1 but it does not have the features that wfview does and is much more difficult to configure. I hope to get more experience with wfview before our next trip so that I can work remotely.
I guess I spoke too soon. After a reboot, the problem is back. Still no entries in the udevadm window but 2025-01-18 16:08:59.504 INF serial: Opened port: “/dev/ttyUSB0” in the wfview log.
Just wrap this up, I was having audio dropouts every 19 seconds from a raspberry pi reconnect to the radio. This was on a 32 bit pi os. I built a 64 bit version and have run it for several days with multiple reboots with ZERO problems.