Issues with Version 2.00 on IC-7610

Thank you so much for Version 2.00. There are many new features that I can use on my IC-7610 like Dual Watch and Dual Scope. But I did find some issues/bugs.

I’m using a Raspberry Pi 5 under Bookworm.

  • Documentation does not mention the need to install libqt5websockets5 (unless I missed it).
  • On the Settings->External Control page, when you select “Manual…” for Virtual Serial Port, there is no way to actually enter the name of your Virtual Serial Port.
  • I do not see any way to set the frequency bandwidth (10kHz, 25kHz, etc.) of the waterfall.

Harry Bloomberg W3YJ

Just like the radio, you need to set the waterfall and spectrum to “Center” mode. Once selected, the Span selector will be available and you can select from the usual spans.

I just updated the user manual last night, have a look.

I will have a look at the dependency list and the virtual serial port issue you mentioned.

de W6EL

Thank you! Set to “Center” mode and I can now specify the bandwidth.

Harry W3YJ

What version of qt are you using (check the About box)?

I think some older qt versions have an issue with the way the virtual serial box UI element is handled.

de W6EL

“This copy of wfview was built against Qt version 5.15.8”

Harry W3YJ

Yeah I think it is the version of qt that is preventing you from editing.

If you have saved your settings, you can manually edit the settings file and specify the virtual serial port. Edit while wfview is closed.

It is listed under the [Radio] section and the key name is “VirtualSerialPort”.

de W6EL

Thank you! I will do this later. The man reason why I needed this was for Flrig. But with wfview 2.00 having nearly all of Flrig’s IC-7610 features like enabling dual-watch, I may be able to retire Flrig.

Harry W3YJ

Just saw that 2.01 has been released! I will build that.

Harry W3YJ

So now that I’ve been using wfview 2.x for a couple of days, let me say it’s great! I think I can now retire beloved Flrig and simplify my remote desktop a bit. I can now use dual-watch and twin VFOs so much easier on my IC-7610, which was the primary reason I upgraded from an IC-7300. Thank you!

Harry W3YJ

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Wonderful, we’re glad it’s working for you. Keep an eye out for 2.02 due out in a few days, should make things even better.

de W6EL

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