Max TX Power setting (for iCOM 7300)

Would you be willing to add the option to set a Max TX Power % from within WF-View?

I have an amp, and I’m sure a few others do, but I would like to set a limit to the TX power coming out of the 7300 to say 45%. (Normally the icom understand 0 to 100)

So this is what I think should occur:

  • If the SW periodically re-sends parameters to the rig, the SW should check if Max Power will be exceeded before sending the parameters
  • If the user tries to use the TX Pwr slider to go past limit, the slider jumps back to Max Power setting in the ‘Settings’ page
  • If third-party HAM SW tries to set TX Power thru rigctrl, WF-View prevents it from going higher than Max Power.

Actually this could work for any of the icom radios.

It’s not a bad idea. High gain HF amplifiers really don’t need any extra power on the input!

In V2, it is easy to set a limit on the control so that it can’t be set any higher.

I don’t think we will do any automatic checking for
exceedance though. The external control interfaces could be used to do this though. Probably 40 lines of python would take care of it.

de W6EL

Do you mean to say that this is already implemented in V2, or that it will be implemented? :slight_smile: