Mint 21 Linux X6100 WIFI no TX audio from JS8Call

Mint 21 Linux with X6100 and WIFI is working fine, audio is coming into WFView and JS8Call, PTT is working from JS8Call to WFView and keying the X6100 but no audio is being transmitted on the X6100 ?

Is there a way for me to redirect the sound so I can hear the transmitted audio over the Linux speaker to make sure the loop is working ok? Right now I cannot tell if the issue is the Linux laptop or the X6100 .

So far, nobody has confirmed that the X6100 can transmit network audio. Furthermore, there are no known commands on the X6100 to change the input device from microphone to network audio source.

I think you need to ask Xiegu if transmit is supported, and if so, how to set the input device to the network audio source.

Within wfview, you can use the secondary meter set to TxRxAudio to meter the audio being sent to the radio.

de W6EL