Multiple programs accessing USB?

I guess i already know the short answer to this: you cant! But! There may be an alternative means i havent thought of, so here goes.

IC-7300 via usb to raspberry pi running wfview, remote access provided by wfviews server.

Ideally i now also want to run hamclock (no issue so far) and flrig so clicking on a dx spot in hamclock changes rigs vfo. BUT it too wants to use /dev/USB0 or whatever.

Is there some other mechanism by which i can achieve this that you might be able to think of?
Not “mission critical” but “desirable”…

C’mon guys I bet there is a way I’ve not thought of!

I have done this yet… but this is what i would do.

Launch hamclock again and when it asks: “Setup?” click anywhere.
Then in <Page 3>, where its saying “Rigctld?” select yes, and Port 4532 and host:Localhost

Now in WF-View. go to Settings, External Control, and look for Enable RigCtld. and enable it, and make sure port = 4532 (same port you just setup with hamclock)

Maybe someone else can confirm.

I tested this inside a VM. it works as described. clicking on a POTA Spot in hamclok changes the rig’s VFO.

@eliggett there is a err message that appears in WF log: *Unimplemented func: “set func” “XIT” “0”

doubt it means much as I think its still working even with the odd message

@meeko Have you read the manual on “Sharing Control” ? There’s a lot of information there on how to access the radio from multiple programs at once. Please check it. There are solutions for each platform.

@dan-in-sd Sometimes you will see the “unimplemented func” message. It means some program using the hamlib interface is using a function that we did not add yet to wfview. Indeed, most programs can operate with the basic set of commands (frequency/mode/tx/rx), but some do ask for more things.

de W6EL

Thank you all.

I’ll give the suggestions a try and if in doubt I’ll read the manual :wink:

Got it working. Thanks!

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