Multiple Servers on a single PC?

I wish to control an IC-7300 and an IC-9700 from a single windows 11 PC, and also remotely control them (currently on the same network). I have tried to control the IC-9700 using the LAN connection but, although it works on the local PC it does not work from the remote PC. If I set the local Wfview to be a server, I can control from both machines.

All fine so far. However how do I also control the IC-7300? I know that I can setup a second instance of Wfview setup as a server, but how can I control both?

Many thanks,

Mike G4CDF


It is possible to create a shortcut for each radio to start up at the same time.
For 7300
wfview --settings ic-7300.conf
For 9700
wfview --settings ic-9700.conf
Refer to the manual

Change settings on the radio itself for individual control
Control port(UDP)
9700 => 50097 7300 => 50073
Serial port (UDP)
9700 => 50098 7300 => 50074
Audio port (UDP)
9700 => 50099 7300 => 50075

Initial Settings
Create a shortcut (e.g. for 7300), activate it, and configure the radio (7300).


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Thanks! I will give it a try.

Hi Mike

I made a mistake in explanation.
The 7300 does not have a server function, so the UDP settings cannot be configured on the radio, but only when using the Wfview server.


Nakao’s advice is good.

But I think you should try and use the 9700 remotely without running your own server. It is worth taking the time to learn how to port forward from the radio and how to get your internal and external ip addresses straightened out. You will face the same challenge with running your own server and accessing it remotely.

de W6EL

Thanks for your advice. I now have both rigs being controlled simultaneously from another PC. This seems to work well. I will still try to sort out the port forwarding as it has other uses as you say

73 Mike G4CDF

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