No Audio on my icom ic9700

I’ve been using wfview over the last couple days via remote on my local network with everything working fine with really good reports. The problem i have is when i return back to my shack and use my ic9700 i don’t have any audio from my microphone getting into the radio and i dont know how to fix this other then to do a factory reset on the transceiver then everything is fine. any help would be much appreciated

Radio Model: Icom ic 9700
Connectivity /Ethernet/
Operating System: windows 10 pro

reset you mike input in your rig back from lan to mic.

Thanks Roeland Do I need to adjust this all all the time depending were i am?

That’s how the radio is. You have to tell it which audio source to use. When you change audio sources, you have to tell it.

thanks for your help mate