No audio through loopback

Please provide the following information with your question:

  1. Operating System:
    Ubuntu 22 running under UTM/QEMU on MacOS
  2. Method of download attempted (from, package manager, source code, etc):
    Source build
  3. Radio Model:
  4. Method of radio connectivity (USB, WiFi, Ethernet, etc):
  5. Did you check the FAQ and read the manual?

Connected to the radio successfully. All working, waterfall/scope live, radio is controlled.
Set up loopback devices and configured wfview, fldigi and wsjtx precisely according to Audio Configuration | wfview. No audio on fldigi or wsjtx side - meters at zero, audio monitor on fldigi silent.

A few notes:

  • When connected through usb, wfview works, fldigi works connected to wfview, and audio through pulse from usb is working in fldigi, monitor and all.
  • I have tested the loopback devices using aplay and arecord. I can use the same devices (10 and 11) as described in the manual to aplay on the 0 side and arecord on 1 side, so the loopback seems to be operational.
  • However when I run wfview on wifi witih output to hw:10,0 and try to arecord on hw:10,1 it’s totally silent.
  • Tried all audio systems in radio access settings for wfview - Qt, Port and RT - same result, left it at Qt. Tried sample rate 48000 and 16000, no change, left at 48000.

Not sure what else to check. Seems like either wfview isn’t sending audio to hw:10,0 or somehow audio level is too low. Can’t find any audio level output control in wfview, pavucontrol shows all loopback devices at 100%.

Any ideas?


KJ5HUK - Yuri

Figured it out. Squelch, that simple and stupid. All works now, the instructions in the manual are precise and detailed to get it working right away. Thanks for very polished software and documentation!

KJ5HUK - Yuri