No tx audio to server

Hi, am using a server client setup with a 7300 with server on a Pi and client on a windows laptop, with wfview 1.62 on both. I use the BurrBrown devices on the server, and an USB headset on the client. Recieve audio is working, but not transmit. The TX audio meter on the client does move, though. But not the ALC meter.

This is the log from the client

I have rebooted the Icom and the server and client computers and instances of wfview, and also shifted the audio devices, saved and reconnected. But same result, RX sound is OK, but no TX.

Is it possible to see anything from the log file?


Hi Jan,

What input is the radio set to use?

de W6EL

Data mod - USB on the Icom 7300


Make sure the not-data MOD is set to USB as well.

de W6EL

Yes, USB there too.

I wonder if the missing TX is caused by the client laptop. There is another problem on this, the selected RX device (internal speaker or USB headset phones) sometimes has to be changed back and forth to work. And the TX audio did occasionally work a few days ago.

The Windows client laptop is only used as a temporary client for troubleshooting at my remote site, At my home QTH I use a Pi as client.


One more thing, the radio status window of the client shows MOD when in transmit mode and touching the headset mic. But no audio to server.

And do you see the audiometermoving moving?

Yes, TX audio meter also moving on client. But no TX audio on server, or ALC on client.

You won’t see any mod input indication from the server. Assuming you DO have USB selected as the mod input source for the current mode, the most likely cause of this is that the wrong device is selected in the server setup, this must be the USB codec devices provided by the radio. Also worth checking it isn’t muted externally to wfview.

73 Phil M0VSE


The transciever audio devices are the BurrBrown in and out, right? They are the ones chosen on the server.

Is the ALSA mixer on the Server Pi in any way involved? I don’t know where the TX audio could be muted otherwise.

Solved now. I made the audio device setting for the server on the radio acess page, not on the radio server page.

Really stupid of me, but thanks for your patient answers.

All is well now,