Opus to "gamer's headset" interface?

System is IC 7300 to two linux mint desktops both wfview loaded so tried Opus. Last data shows log report from client saying “Creating Opus encoder: success” . Very good - I think. Now how do I interface Opus to a “gamer’s” headset with microphone. I have seen a ‘high density speaker’ and mic call mentioned for the server but have never seen those in the drop-downs. Think those should be USB driven, so looking for the magic Opus to gamer’s headset/USB converter. Server just now ends with alsa_ calls at present as shown in Getting Started. What should I try next?

Mike N7RY

Hi Mike,

It has nothing to do with the opus codec. That is merely used to decode the network audio data stream.

You can get each of the three audio systems (port, Qt, and RT).

You may find it useful to close wfview and use the little speaker/sound widget in mint to make the headset audio the default. Verify with the “test audio” button.

Then launch wfview and see if setting it to “default” will work. Some audio systems may not show default as an option.

Don’t forget that wfview has audio meters. They should help.

de W6EL

Hi Mike

Btw I hrd you over LP on 8pm briefly but I am also small pistol compared to Bob. Well everyone is.

As for the Linux headset etc. Linux likes port audio with opus codes the best. On server select port audio and ICOM CoDEC for input and output.

On client connect via network and use port audio and your headset from dropdown.

Jiri OK2IT

Thanks for the help Jiri,
I am not the linux guru I need to make this stuff work for me hi hi. I try things and see what I can make work, but I do not know
exactly what I should be doing to make it play. It helps a lot if you know what you must do at each split in the road.

Thanks for the SWL report as well. I only have space for a 550 ft Beverage rx antenna, Nearby Frank N7EKD has a 1000 ft
Beverage and he hears much better. We are all working on Frank to put up an xmitting antenna up but so far he has not
heeded our request har. I am running 1200 watts to a single vertical with 51 radials. I know a four-square or beam with tower is
more effective but I am old and gray and cannot do stuff like that any more. I lose signal strength on both xmit and receive soon after
sunrise which was at 0746 my local time, by 0800 I am past the peak. Last year I made some contacts but conditions have to be
fairly good. Recent Chinese radar and huge QRN from Pacific Ocean storms have added to the problems. Hope we get to make
a contact later this season!

73 Mike N7RY

Hello Mike

Yes – I am working with Linux a lot – it can be sometimes slightly misleading.

You need to configure the Server to work using ICOM and CODEC(ICOM) Input and Output and Client as the USB HeadSet. Also try selecting PortAudio if you use Lnux.