PopOS install issues

So i managed to get it to install on PopOS 22.04 (annoying in itself) but when I run I get this error
ticnitsi@pop-os:~/Downloads/dist$ wfview
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
setState 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


But I see no logfiles generated or anything that can tell me more of the error

Hi Dylan,

Did you install from the binary or did you compile it yourself?

I would recommend compiling it yourself using the automated buildscript if you haven’t already done so.

Let me know if you need directions.


de W6EL

Got it. qcustomplot for qt5 is qcustomplot-qt5 on Fedora.

I had to do the following:

diff --git a/wfview.pro b/wfview.pro
index ce40277…776763d 100644
— a/wfview.pro
+++ b/wfview.pro
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ CONFIG(debug, release|debug) {
linux: QCPLIB = qcustomplotd
win32:LIBS += -L…/opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/Debug/ -lopus
} else {

  • linux: QCPLIB = qcustomplot
  • linux: QCPLIB = qcustomplot-qt5
    win32:LIBS += -L…/opus/win32/VS2015/Win32/Release/ -lopus

I am trying to build a package for Fedora and hitting the same building from source. The build appears to finish successfully, but on running it just core dumps.

$ wfview
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

segfaulting with the prebuilt binary can be due to a too new OS, or a too old OS.
now. POP-OS 22.04 seems new so maybe you should build t yourself.

In any case the issues arise when you have too different QT versions; Fedora is known to be old when it comes to libraries (depending on the version you try too).

I won’t spread my personal feelings for things that (even remotely) is touched by RH.

use the script to compile
I think pop OS use a debian packages

Debian Build Script:

For debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Raspberry Pi, etc), you may obtain the latest version of the master branch of wfview by running this build script:

Can you try running the build from within the build folder (so, ./wfview) and possibly using gdb?

For example:
gdb ./wfview
(gdb) run

This technique is even more powerful if you do a debug build. Let me know if you need directions on how to do it.

de W6EL