Possible Bug with Hotkeys F1-F4

Brief summary of problem (put in title as well): Hotkeys F1-F4 not working as I would expect
Radio Model: IC-7300
Connectivity (USB/Ethernet/Wifi/Other): USB
Operating System:
wfview version (press “About”): 2.03
Checked the wfview manual (Y/N): Y
Checked the wfview FAQ (Y/N): Y
Tried to google it (Y/N/NA): N

What I did:
I am doing some evaluation for blind users and this seems confusing to me. I don’t know if their screen readers would help with this but it doesn’t work the way I would have expected.

Expected behavior:
I would have assumed that the function keys to switch between different tabs would work no matter which tab you are currently on. I am new to WFview and am guessing that this might have come in with 2.0… did it used to be a tab control instead of separate windows?

Observed behavior:
I found the function keys only worked when you are on the Main window. And F4 doesn’t seem to work at all.

You are correct. When we re-wrote large parts of the UI, we did not put all the hot keys into each widget. I suppose we can fix this for you though :slight_smile:

de W6EL

Hi Elliott,

My main interest in the interface is for those who are blind. I think this might be a bigger deal to them since a mouse is a useless device to them.

Thanks for your great software… hopefully you don’t mind me bugging the team for stuff like this.

I don’t mind a bit, Brian. We’re happy to do simple things like this.

de W6EL