Qt5Multimedia.dll not found in daily builds for Windows

I get the $Subject error when trying to install the latest Windows build on Windows 10.
Yes, I know hot to google it but I would rather not download a dll from a gray source. Is there an open source/commercial verified source for the dll? It should be in the public_builds download folder, but is not.

Thank you!

You must install the latest release of wfview first and then copy the .exe from the weekly builds folder into the wfview installation folder. You will also need Qt5Xml.dll from the weekly builds as the requirement for that was added after the latest release.

73 Phil M0VSE

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Oh, thank you! It was not clear from the doc I’ve been reading. I’m gonna write a “stupid proof” tutorial on my blog… or something.

it’s not documented no, we know. In the future with newer packed installs it will be fixed anyways as it will be included.