Release 1.2c (was 1.2b) for testing need volunteers ;-)

Hi Roeland/Phil,
any progress made in solving the unstable communication to the 7300 using Hamlib in combination with WSJTx? Hope to see a newer release for the 1.2c.

73, Fred

hi Fred,

we pushed out 1.2d sources but requires some additional work on the split vfo function.
Unfortunately I cannot build a windows version myself; I can do linux builds though.

Also we have some time constraints currently work related.

Let me ask again, any progress in solving the unstable communication?

73, Fred

Hi Fred.

This has proved to be a more complex problem than we had hoped, not helped by the fact that I can’t replicate this instability on any of my 3 Icom rigs (705, 9700, 7610).

We are still working on the problem but ‘proper’ work has tended to get in the way recently unfortunately.

73 Phil M0VSE

we could build the current testversion and release for further testing…?

Hi Roeland and Phil!

Could be worth trying as we are running rigs and setups (IC-7300 + remote via internet/vpn) which you probably don’t have access to. Would be nice to support you with testing!
Rainer, OE1KFR

First of all, I would like to say thanks for all the work that has been done on this project.

I am using 1.2c and so far I have not had any reportable problems with the 7300.
however, on my 9700 I get no active waterfalls, the waterfalls scale is from 0.0Mhz to 5.00Mhz. I can’t seem to change it, I can use the mouse scroll wheel and the software dial to change frequency.

The system I am running is Windows 10 Pro Build 19043.1348


Hi Ron !
Are you running the 7300 and wfview locally connected via USB on the windows PC or do you have it remotely via internet and server/client configuration?

Making a lot of progress getting wfview working remotely, but ran into a weird issue. Here is my set up:

Radio: Icom IC-7300
Wfview server: Raspberry Pi 4 (Debian Buster) w/USB to radio and ethernet to Lan
Remote PC: Surface Pro 8
Software: Wfview, JTDX, DXKeeper, GridTracker, Virtual Audio Cable

Rig control and audio work, but when I transmit on FT8, it uses 2-3kHz…instead of 50Hz. See attached screenshot. Not sure if this is a bug or configuration issue.


So I was playing around and tried to connect the IC-9700 via LAN instead of USB and the waterfall is working on the LAN connection.


Hi Jeff,

Not sure I understand what you mean? How is JTDX connected to wfview? I personally recommend using rigctld rather than using a virtual serial port. The only caveat is you must use ‘fake it’ split mode currently within JTDX as rig controlled split isn’t implemented at the moment.

73 Phil M0VSE

I am using locally on USB

Hi Phil,

I am using “Hamlib NET rigctl” in JTDX with as the Network Server. I followed the audio configuration guide in the manual using Virtual Audio Cable. I am not using any virtual serial ports (very happy not to have to deal with that as well!). The weird issue with wide bandwidth went away after a reboot. I have been able to make some QSOs, so it appears to be working…just some intermittent issues with rig control where it gets stuck in TX mode, but is not actually transmitting anything.


Hi Jeff.

Yes others have reported the stuck TX issue. I suspect that is actually the command being ‘lost’ by the IC7300. I have never seen the problem with any of my rigs (705, 7610, 9700) but I will hopefully be getting an IC7300 soon so I should be able to see the problem myself.

I have committed some code which will hopefully mitigate the issue (by sending the command to the rig 3 times!) and will be creating windows/mac binaries soon.

73 Phil

I assume both client and server will need the updated code, correct?

I’ve also noticed the opposite problem where the next TX cycle comes up and nothing is being transmitted (although JTDX thinks it is). Sometimes the transmission will halt prematurely, then resume on the next cycle.

As I type this, I also noticed that the center frequency is also changing. For example, I set it to 14.0740MHz and TX with some offset (e.g. 500Hz), the rig will change to 14.0745, transmit, and return to 14.0740, as expected. However, sometimes it will not return and the new center frequency is 14.0745. On the next transmission, it will move to 14.0750 and maybe return to 14.0745. Over time, it continues to creep up the dial…


I have exactly the same issues as Jeff K5UHF is reporting about TX and the frequency drift.
