Remote Connection via WAN

I used to be able to connect remotely with my iPad running SDR Control to my 7300 in my shack running Wfview on my mac mini. Wfview acts as a server for SDR Control.

Recently, ATT changed us from DSL to Fiber and we got a new router. I have assigned the Wfview software access to ports 50001-50003. Access on the LAN from the iPad to Wfview on my mac mini is working fine, however, WAN access is not.

In the past, I had an IPV6 WAN address that was similar to the IPv4 LAN address but with different numbers. Now on “FindmyIP” my IPv6 WAN address is a series of 4 digit characters separated by a :.

I am certain that if I can find a WAN IPv6 in “standard” format, that my iPad can cnnect to Wfview running on my mac mini.

I appreciate any suggestions anyone can offer.

Steve AC5LL

Wfview doesn’t currently support IPv6, so you would need an IPv4 address to be able to connect.


explanations of how these addresses look like:

internal IPv4 address:

external IPv4 address

a link local address IPv6
fe80::1780:9a35:49b2:5280 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20

public IPv6 address:

Hi Phil. Thanks for the reply. But I have in the past. My old IPv6 number was similar to the IPv4, just used it when outside of my LAN.

I’ll call ATT and see what I can do with them. The program works great and I appreciate your work on it!



Roland. I need the external IPv4.Ive tried a couple but they didn’t work.

I’ll call ATT and see what they say.



I can assure you that you didn’t!

wfview specifically connects to an IPv4 address (I know because I wrote the code that does it). If your provider/router doesn’t give you an external IPv4 address, it may not be possible to connect remotely with wfview at this time.

The IPv6 format that @roeland provided is the only format that IPv6 addresses can take, so not sure what you have seen in the past?

The problem was solved using the external IPv4 address and opening the IP Passthrough in the router to use my mac mini as the default server.

Way beyond my scope of knowledge, but trial and error solved the issue.

Glad I am back on the remote access!

Love it!



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