Remote control when away from home

Hi Brian,

You need to forward the UDP ports 50001-50003 from your router to the IP address of the IC705, you then enter the external IP address of your router into wfview.

If your IP address is dynamic, you will probably want to use some form of dynamic DNS system ( or similar) so that if your external IP address changes, you can find it.

73 Phil

Another learning experience!

I didn’t specify a port, Phil, I did an open-ended scan, which reveals open ports on other computers.

Specifying -p 50001 returned "50001/udp open|filtered ", so the rig does indeed have that port open (Yay!)

Thanks for the help. I’ll test the changes I made to the port forwarding the next time I get to a remote site with Internet access (e.g., son’s house).

TNX, 73 … Rich

So, assuming my IC-705 is at does this look right for the UDP settings?




it does look good yes


that would do yes.

if the ports are 50001-50003:

oeland@snowpa:~> sudo nmap -sU -p50001-50003 ic7851
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( ) at 2021-06-29 15:09 CEST
Nmap scan report for ic7851 (
Host is up (0.0021s latency).

50001/udp open|filtered unknown
50002/udp open|filtered unknown
50003/udp open|filtered unknown
MAC Address: 00:90:C7:08:7A:55 (Icom)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.61 seconds

would be ok

What happen if have a ic-7610 and ic-9700 . What ports may be to open in the router and config in radio?
IP1- IC-7610 50001-50002-50003
IP2- IC-9700 5000?

Hi Manu. ATT provided me a new router that was easier to configure the ports. Then I followed a link for Gamers who need ports opened. I have a 7300 and opened 50000, 50001 and 50002 individually and assigned them to the computers IP address using UDP. My 7300 connects to the computer, in my case a Mac 13.3 OS via USB.

For WAN or away from LAN, I put in the WAN IP address for my Router in Wfview instead on the LAN IP for my Mac. I have to have Wfview and the 7300 turned on to access from my MacBook. But it all works now.

In your case, if the radios have their own IP in your LAN IP list on your router, then that’s what the ports 50000, 50001 and 50002 are assigned to with UDP permission.

In the client, the WAN IP of your router replaces the LAN IP of the radio.

Confusing I know, but this is how I understand it.
AC5LL…  ----> ----+--- (9700) UDP ports   50001/2/3
                   +--- (7610) UDP ports   50004/5/6

above as an example

Sorry, I had my port numbers wrong. 50001, 50002 and 50003…

No coffee yet.

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that’s what we call important