I have a 7300 and a 9700 connected over LAN. I have a mini PC running a wfview server under Linux Mint to interface with the 7300 USB port. A second mini PC supports the clients for each radio and displays the waterfalls for radios on my monitors. The second mini PC is setup to bridge the LAN to the House WiFi.network. This 2nd PC also has an RC-28 connected. I have several usage issues:
The F Lock button on each client doesn’t lock the Frequency if the RC-28 dial is turned. Is there a way to isolate signals from RC-28 Dial when F Lock is checked in either client. I note that turning the RC-28 dial, both radios change frequency in unison.
If the RC-28 is programmed in both clients to enable the Transmit button, both radios go into transmit. Therefore is it possible to setup two RC-28’s, one for each client (and their respective radio)?
Fravike (IZ8FFA) has an Arduino UNO based Band Decoder/Sequencer for the 9300 that connects via the CI-V remote control port. Not knowing the internal logic of the CI-V ports, if my radios are set up for control over a USB or LAN connection, is it possible to set up a Band Decoder/Sequencer on the radios for relay control of antenna’s, amplifiers and the like through the external control jack?