Sound halts after clicking record tab in Sound Control app

I have a minor problem when using Wfview remotely. The app audio works perfectly until the Windows 11 Sound Control app is opened on the local system and the tab on the app is switched from Playback to Recording. The audio dies after that. No adjustments are made to the sound devices, just switching tabs. If Wfview is closed and restarted the audio starts again and it can be used normally. It appears only Wfview has this issue as all other audio programs on the system don’t suffer from this switching.

My system setup:
Radio server station is a IC-7300
Radio server OS is Windows 10
Local station OS is Windows 11, i7 processor, 3.6Ghz, 32GB memory.

This is a small problem which may be an issue with my PC setup. I’m only posting this to see if someone else has had the problem and found a fix. I’m using the Sound Control applet on Windows to control the level of the mic to obtain the best voice quality. My audio reports are good except contacts report a hollow sound, which I wanted to get rid of thinking the mic level is up too high. The Playback level can be adjusted before switching to record without any problem.

So any workaround?

You could try switching the audio system in wfview. The default is “Qt Audio”, but you may find that Port Audio or RT Audio works better with regards to your issue.

Otherwise, you may need to open that tab of the sound control app first, before launching wfview. I have no idea what it’s doing to your audio device that is causing wfview to falter.

de W6EL

I tried RT Audio and that did the trick, I can now set the level on the mic using the Sound Control app in Windows 11.
TCI audio didn’t work at all, Port Audio caused a terminal error and the program quick, and QT audio showed the issue. Don’t know what each one of those are, but I’m happy.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Glad it worked! Each is simply a library that we can call upon to access the sound. Due to differences that we don’t fully understand, sometimes one works better than another for some users, so we have kept all three available. TCI is an experimental option that Phil is working on to connect directly between applications.

de W6EL