SSB-CW Mode Change

Hi All,

I use my 7300 in conjunction with WFView for local computer control (I’m not remoting). Whenever I use the Band Select switch of the app to switch to 10M, the mode changes to CW and the frequency step goes to 100Hz. I’ll make the correction to SSB and 1Khz, leave the band and when I come back in it goes back to CW/100Hz.

Is this a radio configuration or a WFView issue?

Thanks in advance.

Kind of both (and neither)!

The band buttons within wfview simply request the BSR (band stack register) from the radio for that particular band, What wfview doesn’t do is update the BSR though (this is something that we have looked into). My understanding is that the radio should update a particular BSR when you transmit within that band/mode, although it doesn’t always do this (not sure why?)
