WSJT-X Improved shows the current SWR. I have seen, that the SWR in WSJT-X is > 4, when I do a rigctl query, that is confirmed. WFView however (and the meter on the IC7300) shows an SWR of 1).
The antenna is a G5RV, which always needs a tuner.
I am using the latest unix version from WFview, downloaded last friday, never seen that before.
Thomas, DL3EL
Let’s just suppose that the value in WSJT-X is incorrect
If you want, send us a log file with Debug and CommDebug enabled (checkboxes in the log window) during the time where WSJT-X is querying the SWR. We can then take a look at what it is sending and perhaps change it. The error could be on the WSJT-X side as well, but we will check.
de W6EL
The current master branch will report an invalid SWR, this is fixed in my dev branch which will be merged with master soon.
I would suggest that the app that is out of step - i.e. WSJT-X improved is the one that is wrong. Or are you suggesting WFView is sending the wrong SWR value to WSJT-X improved. How are you connecting WSJT-X(i) to WFView?
73 Phil GM3ZZA
Thanks Phil, that is what I was assuming.
Thomas, DL3EL
it looked like WFView (and is already confirmed). Because you could see it with rigctl (independent from WSJT-X) as well.
Thomas, DL3EL
Just to explain what was happening, the wfview rigctld was requesting the wrong value for the SWR meter. It was requesting the S meter, which is always 0 during transmit!
I telneted directly to port 4532 and retrieved the SWR using “l SWR”. I can confirm that the value was greater than 1, even when not transmitting.