SWR and ALC during transmit?

This is either a question for help or maybe a suggestion?

I run WFView on a 7300 (remote to upstairs with VNC on a Raspberry Pi - works wonderfully!). I tend to flip back and forth on the user interface view to see if the SWR is good, and check ALC - for when running digital modes. Is there a way to have both visible at the same time along with output power? That would be very handy to see both of those. Maybe a feature in an upcoming version?
Thanks for your hard work on this software, I use it all the time!

Hi Tom,

Glad to hear you’re making good use of it! I too have wished for a sort of multi-meter display, and we will eventually do it for sure. The code easily supports this kind of idea, just needs another meter in the UI and another combo box to select what the meter sees, etc.

Do you know that the Pi can run wfview as a server, and then you can run wfview as a client on the other computer, saving you the trouble of using VNC? Just checking, it’s a nice way to go compared with remotely viewing a screen, and is much more responsive.


de W6EL

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added as FR:

Thanks Elliot, that would be a nice feature if that works. I do like FLRig’s feature where you can open a separate little window with all the meters, but then again it’s another window. WFView is all neatly in one window. The radio on/off feature is great too. I have my station in the basement (it’s a bit cold down there in winter) so I’ll often leave the power supply on and Raspberry Pi 400 on so I can flip the radio on and off, then run remotely. Very handy!
Yeah, I do know it will run as a client server too without using VNC, I need to try that out still.
FLRig has some nice features, but it’s more generic to more radios other than Icoms and I haven’t figured out how to turn the radio on and off with that one.
Thanks again for your work, it’s the first ap I fire up all the time on my Pi. :wink:
Tom kA7VIK

I like the metering in flrig as well, one of my favorite little programs. A pop-out meter isn’t a bad idea at all, we may go there eventually.

Thanks @roeland for the feature request entry :-). Anyone else is always welcome to submit gitlab issues, just be sure to tag them as either bugs or feature requests (or both?).

de W6EL

Hi Elliot,

I’ve only recently come across wfview and now have it set up to work with my IC-7610… just waiting form my broadband provider to allocate me a static IP. It’s a great piece of software.

Was the SWR meter feature been progressed at all? I’m quite keen to be able to check SWR remotely before I start remote operation more seriously.

Thanks in advance,


Yes a second selectable meter has been an option for quite a few versions now. Within settings you can select what you want the secondary meter to display: