Topic version 2.xx: TRX is not recognized by 3rd applications (SDR Control for iPad/SDR mobile).


Last weekend I tried WFVIEW on a Raspbery for the first time. Compiling with the build script (2v03) was directly successful with both versions of the current Raspberry-os (64-bit and 32-bit version). - Very good!

The server operation of WFVIEW and the connection to a Windows client also works immediately. The IC7300 was recognized without any problems.

Unfortunately, the IC7300 was not recognized by the iPad version of SDR-Control and also not by the iPhone version (SDR-Mobile) after connecting WFVIEW.

The IC7300 was not recognized correctly as usual, control commands were not forwarded correctly to the IC7300 via WFVIEW.

My current solution is the new installation of WFVIEW 1v64 on the Raspberry with the build script “sudo ./ v1.64-release”.

The combination of WFVIEW on a Raspberry and the control of the IC7300 with SDR-Control for iPad works really great!

Great work! Many thanks to the developers!

73 bernd, dh4bs

This has been covered in another thread and will be fixed soon.

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