Are there any plans to support Transverters?
I use multiple transverters with my IC-7610 for VHF/UHF,
N.B. for 144MHz the rig operates on 14MHz, for other bands I use 28MHz…
Hi Stephen,
We don’t have plans at this time, but you raise an interesting point.
What kind of support would you like to see, ideally, from a software point of view? I was thinking of doing some up/down conversion with my 9700 for 10 GHz and some other bands too.
de W6EL
for general use I like the way that DXlab handles transverters, there is a table that specifies the offset frequency for each band - I specify a frequency of and it automatically knows that the transverter needs (404MHz offset), but when I specify the transverter requires (130MHz offset) for that band.
For contesting the Minos logging program works in a similar way.
Stephen (G8LYB)
Hi Stephen,
I could see placing this as a parameter some time after the next release. It’s simple, but it has to go in every function that deals with frequencies. So, it’ll take a bit to get to.
de W6EL
The 785x has an offset in the rig setup itself and a quick look at the CIV manual I also see that it can be controlled remotely.
I have added it to the internal roadmap document.
The IC-7610 has an offset facility for display, but not enough digits of display to be useful…
Stephen (G8LYB)
I have mentioned that some time ago to ICOM – to have an offset possibility of a few GHz. Itwas taken into consideration. Maybe at some time…
Another vote for a transverter support and custom frequency offset. I run my 222 transverter with a 27Mhz IF so I need the readout to be offset by 195Mhz. (I use 27Mhz so the whole 222 band is bellow 30Mhz and I don’t have to deal with the HF and the 6m power level being different when working repeaters).
It would also be nice to be able to set the output power of the radio at the same time. So maybe a checkbox that enabled transverter mode on the main screen that enables the frequency offset and set the power level. In the settings we would need as least two two text boxes one for the offset and one for the desired power level. This of course would only support one transverter at a time, you would need a more complicated setup to be able to set the app up to support multiple transverter ‘profiles’.
Hi Aaron,
It’s a fine idea, it’s just a bit difficult since the changes are very wide-reaching throughout wfview. It’s not just the frequency readout. It’s the spectrum, waterfall, the scrolling, the tuning steps, rigctld emulation, the cache, external USB controllers, and so on. Frequency is read and/or manipulated in hundreds of places. The offset would only exist in communication to the radio, but we have to be very, very careful to catch every instance of such communication, both sending and receiving radio data. It’s tricky by necessity.
We will put it on the list though, as it certainly makes sense for a variety of interesting uses.
de W6EL
Yep, I figured as much. You have to keep track of one frequency the radio is actually using, the other frequency the user is seeing in the UI and that connected apps are seeing.
Maybe a ‘plugin’ style floating window that could display VFO + or - a custom value?
There are so many transverters out there, all that is needed is a dummy VFO display with (maybe a few) custom profiles would be on par with what rigs themselves offer.
I never use transverters on Icom rigs, but some of the Yaesu range has a transverter MODE, where the main PA is disabled, and the VFO display is offset, leaving a 100mw (?) out of the transverter out socket running. Would this be a concern with Icoms? Do any of them need to be in a specific MODE to avoid frying the transverter?
Hi Tim
“Maybe a ‘plugin’ style floating window that could display VFO + or - a custom value?”
Exactly that, no more needed. AFAIK mode is all ok, here I use a kuhne board in the 7300 and when turned on it disables the PA, I cant comment on others. Really it is just the frequency readout with a corrector value, in WSJTx I have to set it for 2m to -115.996363 then in the WSJTX windo it displays as 144.174 correctly. Other more expensive rigs have a readout option but not the 7300 sadly.
Many thanks
Dave Edwards G7RAU
On 16/Jan/2025 13:42 tim via wfview