Ubuntu upgrade problem

I upgraded the Ubuntu 24.04 to the “nimble numbat” but now the server computer won’t open my WFview program, it just shows a “Mint” leaf instead of the program. Advice needed on how to proceed…Some upgrade dependencies not being met maybe but it did not tell me where to look…

Did you re-install wfview after your upgrade?

Not yet, will have to try a re-install. It is a significant maneuver for a non-computerist hi hi. Was trying to figure what would be easiest way to get back where I was. Other programs were working fine. Thanks for the advice!

Hi Michael,

You will definitely need to run the build script again. wfview is linked dynamically against many libraries which have been upgraded in the process.

de W6EL

Understand need for new build now. When I tried the ubuntu-Debian script it suggested ‘apt --fix-broken install’ where it stopped. . I tried that and again it stopped, now at a point /lib/dpkg/lock-front (something,can’t read my scribbles). Getting deeper into the swamp. Will try some more approaches tomorrow.
73, wish I knew what the problem is ??

Oh I saw Thunderbird in the code around the stopping point, I never put that system to use even, but that was in/around the stopping block.

Usually that error means you forgot to use “sudo” or that apt is already running somewhere.

Got past the glitch in Thunderbird with fix/broken so could compile wfview version 2.03. Now the server shows nice waterfall on active screen- but… when the client tries to connect to the server the connect/disconnect indicator shows ‘connected’ but the log shows the server would not accept a full connect so no “real” active screen appears. It will let you change audio formats so I have tried some of them out but no-go. I thought we had to enable rigctrld to pass control over to outside programs but now the log shows icomcommander and rigcommander following shutdowns?

Well, could be a number of things.

If the wfview client says “NONE” as the radio type in the lower-right corner, please send us the log file from the client:

de W6EL

I found another more interesting problem that is likely at the core. My 2.03 client can’t get the attention of the 2.03 server, as the server is too busy filling the log with a hex dump:
Warning from rig. Error (FA) last sent
–begin hex dump–
Data: fe fe 94 e1 1b 07 fd
Index: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
–End Hex Dump–
.The server seems to have all the command functions intact, it won’t go into a search
mode looking for the client, just looks for mouse commands or kbd cmds. It all worked 2 weeks ago before New Ubuntu and our 2.03, so at that time it checked out. Maybe
the 7300 has a problem not easily evident but I made qsos with it, seemed OK?

log files. We need to see it all. Just follow the directions, send them to termbin, and then paste the URLs here. It could be helpful to other users as well.

de W6EL

I tried the send log button, all I got back in the clipboard was:


I don’t know how to convert that to an https address.
The log is the server log showing it sending a repeated warning hex dump that seems to be preventing the client from connecting. I turned on debugging on startup of wfview as that is supposed to show more info. Let me know if the /temp file works?
Mike N7RY

So you didn’t click “Send to termbin.com” then, you clicked “Copy Path”. Please click “Send to termbin.com

That warning is nothing to do with the server, it just means that the radio has rejected that command, it certainly won’t cause the server to be too busy to respond to a connection request (for a start, that is done on a completely independent thread)

If you upgraded your operating system, most likely the upgrade has installed a firewall which is blocking the connection attempt, I don’t use Ubuntu so can’t really help with that.

I sent the log to wherever it goes when you hit the send button, but what it left in my clipboard was the /tmp/wfview-20250202153812.log, and I was asking what that did/was if anything. I sense that if I were in Windows I might have gotten an http URL. I am inferring that the /temp string is not what I was supposed to get back from termbin.com then.
Appreciate the lead on some kind of firewall may have been added in ubuntu. I should have expected as much. It was their mail service Thunderbird that had to be patched to get ubuntu’s new version to work enough to test wfview heh heh. I may have to wait for a different future wfview build and see if it is different enough to run, or go back to an earlier ubuntu. I wanted to run a 2018 Smith Chart program a while back, got it untarred etc then it could not see the current compiler, I would have had to find an old 2018 compiler that I don’t have har. So it goes, tnx for the feedback!
Mike N7RY

I don’t see any discussion in the FAQ files about the various linux variants in regard to how they have performed as platforms for wfview. Anyone running a linux server that loads and runs wfview V.2.0 + without glitches? How does Debian linux or others compare with/to the rest of the pack? Are there variants of linux that are not easily workable for wfview? A discussion of those questions would be useful for the linux nooby hi hi.

Mike N7RY

not sure if we can cover all the basics in linux with all the different versions, distributions, quirks…?

and re debian (based) linux, I don’t go there.