Using a Mic PTT remote

I am looking at buying a Xeigu X6100 and using wfview, All of the documentation I’ve ready talks about using a regular PC mic/headset and I assume pressing a software PTT button. Is it possible to wire a microphone with a PTT on the remote side? That way I have have a more radiational “mic keyup” as opposed to clicking a software button and speaking into a mic. Hopefully my question makes sense.

Hi BobinME,

Please keep in mind that support for the X6100 is rather beta at this time. There’s definitely work to be done on the Xiego side of things to support many of the functions you see in wfview. I don’t personally own a 6100 so I cannot comment on the completeness except to say that I’ve heard it lacks some features.

wfview supports a few different hardware controllers. You can see this page of our manual for details:


de W6EL



I just received a hand microphone with USB connector from Aliexpress, normally used for Zello, but it also works for de SDR control software on MAC. I assume this also could be possible for WFView. (Not installed at the moment, will check it later)

When PTT is pressed it simulates the ‘F2’ key for going to transmit. (I assign this key then in my SDR control software as PTT function)

It is a sturdy mic and good quality cable between it seems. (There is even a ferrite clamp on it :slight_smile:

Be aware, there are 2 versions of this mic, the Zello version is a bit more expensive but the cheaper version doesnt simulate the F2 (PTT) function i was told, so i guess this is not suitable for us.

  1. Chris


I have just installed WFview, the F2 key is already in use for band change setting menu, so PTT function does not work here. I have sent a msg to the seller of the microphone if the key definition can be changed.
If there is any news i will mention it here.

  1. Chris

I think it is not possible to change the key definition yourself afterwards with this mic.
(I checked the PCB, but they have scraped off the IC information :wink:

But when this USB MIC is ordered from Aliexpress you can ask the seller for programming a different key definition when PTT Switch is pressed, if they change it to ie. ‘‘CTRL T’’ then It probably will go to TX, but to go to RX again with WFView, there is a new command required (CTRL R) as far I know, but this will not work then with this mic. (only with MAC software SDR control it will work at the moment)